Not From a Spielberg Movie « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 8 March 2003 / 4 Adar II 5763

Not From a Spielberg Movie

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All is darkness.. Then the movement begins, a trailing shot down the birth canal of a hallway, toward the mystery. Suddenly light! A bright room filled with old men in beards and black hats: sages, perhaps from another world. At the far end of the room, on a raised platform, is a blazing red light.

Is this a scene from a Steven Spielberg movie?

In a 1985 overview of the career of this legendary director, Time Magazine described this event as one which influenced Spielbergs vision. It turned out to be his earliest memory from a day in 1948 when he was taken in a stroller to a Cincinnati synagogue for a service.

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