Rabbi Simon Taylor « @OHR « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 18 July 2015 / 2 Av 5775

Rabbi Simon Taylor

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Ohr Lagolah Graduate

Current Positions: Regional Director of NY NCSY and of JSU

Previous Positions: Director of London Schools, Aish UK

Learning Background: Mir, Jerusalem; Whitefield Kollel; Tiferet Zvi; Yeshivat Hakotel

After an extensive year-long search, NCSY has selected Rabbi Simon Taylor as new regional director of New England NCSY. Previously, Rabbi Taylor, who hails from England, worked for Aish UK as the director of London schools and the director of the national advisor program. He also serves as a chaplain in the British Armed Forces, where he provided pastoral care to soldiers, and teenagers in the Army Cadet Force.

Although it was a difficult decision for Rabbi Taylor to relocate with his family to the States, in some ways it was also an easy one. “NCSY brings the largest opportunity to connect with Jewish teens around the world, reaching collectively 20,000 teens annually,” Rabbi Taylor explained. “The opportunity to reach out to so many people was very appealing, and an opportunity I couldn’t match in England.”

Asked about the differences between teens in the UK and America, he stressed their similarities. “Youth in both countries do seem to have more or less the same interests and challenges,” Rabbi Taylor stated. “They all want to be empowered and loved, to have fun, to feel part of something authentic, and to meet and share good times with other like-minded teens.”

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