You Are Not Alone! « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 30 November 2002 / 25 Kislev 5763

You Are Not Alone!

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"If the war with Iraq does affect Israel its people will not be alone. Well be there to help."

This is the encouraging message which a delegation of Hatzala volunteers from the U.S.A. have brought to Israel as they spent a week training with Magen David Adom in preparation for the possibility that they might be called upon to come to Israel to help in a state of emergency.

These highly efficient members of the renowned religious emergency medical service, which has a distinguished Israeli counterpart, came here to learn how their skills and experience in lifesaving can be applied in Israel in the event that, G-d forbid, an attack by weapons of mass destruction creates a shortage of trained personnel. They have committed themselves, with the signed consent of themselves and their wives, to leave for Israel on 48-hour notice should such an emergency arise.

Almost all of those participating in this program are from the New York area where Hatzala is most prominent. One exception is Mordechai Dubin, one of Ohr Somayachs earliest students. Hatzala lifesaving is a treasured sideline for Mordechai, who has spent the last two decades as an educator in day schools in his native Chicago, in Atlanta and now in Los Angeles. In every place that he has taught fourth graders he has utilized his considerable musical talent to inspire children to a greater love of Judaism. Some of his original songs have been recorded in a cassette which he produced.

Upon visiting his old alma mater while here in Israel, Mordechai couldnt get over how much the yeshiva has grown since he came there almost 30 years ago. He was proud to see that his beloved Ohr Somayach was so successfully involved in lifesaving of another sort.

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