A Grandfather Tale « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 5 May 2007 / 17 Iyyar 5767

A Grandfather Tale

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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"Did you know that I learned together with the grandfather you are named for?"

This is what the head of a yeshiva in Jerusalem said to one of his students, recalling memories of half a century earlier.

This conversation came about as a result of a telephone call the rosh hayeshiva received from someone in the USA who asked him to pay special attention to the young grandson of an former classmate who passed away at a relatively young age.

Memories brought on memories of a family connection with the boy's grandmother and of the strange coincidence that the grandfather had succeeded the rosh hayeshiva in a teaching position way back when.

Then came the turn of the student to surprise the rosh hayeshiva whom he had met for the first time.

"Did you know," he asked, "that I am impersonating you in the Purim play of the yeshiva coming up in a couple of days?"

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