Hungarians and Englishmen « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 10 March 2007 / 20 Adar I 5767

Hungarians and Englishmen

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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How does one go about choosing families for a new kollel in Hungary?

This is how Michael Flax, a young professional from England who has established the TorahAcademy in Budapest, put it:

"The goal of this project is Jewish continuity and reaching out to the 100,000 Jews of Hungary. I interviewed over 20 families from different origins and decided to bring English families because the English are more reserved… similar to the Hungarians."

It will be interesting to see what many Englishmen and Hungarians have to say about this comparison!

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