A Special Sick Visit « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 27 May 2006 / 29 Iyyar 5766

A Special Sick Visit

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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A couple of weeks ago there passed away in Jerusalem a very special Jew.

Moshe Boruch Weinberg, of blessed memory, was beloved by those who knew him in Toronto and in the Bayit Vegan and Ramot neighborhoods of Jerusalem. But to the residents of the Romema and Mattersdorf neighborhoods of the city he was loved and appreciated as the gifted and gracious Dr. Weinberg of the local Sick Fund clinic.

While some of the most distinguished rabbis of Jerusalem eulogized him as a Jew who loved Torah study and faithfully fulfilled his mission as a physician, one person in the large crowd that participated in his funeral despite the late Friday afternoon hour had a very special memory of Dr. Weinberg.

When he was lying in bed after being diagnosed by Dr. Weinberg as suffering from hepatitis, he was surprised to receive a visit from the doctor. “The rules of the Sick Fund prevent me from making house visits,” he explained with his usual good humor, “but they can’t stop me from fulfilling the mitzvah of bikur cholim — visiting the infirm!”

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