Gemach to the Rescue « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 3 December 2005 / 2 Kislev 5766

Gemach to the Rescue

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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In our Parshat Lech Lecha piece on "Kindness Unlimited" we described the impact of Gemachim upon the community. We here present one of the responses, from Frieda Resnick.

"These Gemachim mean something special to me. One year, erev Pesach, my elderly husband and myself were just getting settled at my daughters home when he realized he had left all his medicine at home. We lived on the other side of the city in Gilo no way to go home and get it. And it was about candle-lighting time. My grandchildren told me about the medicine Gemachim, and two of my granddaughters scoured most of Sanhedria and Sanhedria Murchevet, finding half of his medicine needed for heart, blood pressure and other ailments. One granddaughter returned to the house, and the other kept going to other neighborhoods even after the Pesach seder had begun. She was able to locate all of his medicine, which was really a life-saver. What a wonderful thing that Gemachim exist! And today, at the bris of my great-grandson, I asked my granddaughter where she had gotten the lovely pillow and blanket set that the baby was sleeping on. Guess where from a Gemach! Thank G-d for Gemachim!"

May we suggest that our readers become partners in these wonderful services to the public by investigating which Gemach in Israel they would like to support.

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