Shabbat 9 - 15
Status of the doorway
Activities forbidden before Mincha
Proper dress and posture for prayer
Schedule of the court
Times of meals
Prayer in the bathhouse
Shabbat and other gifts
Danger of favoritism
Where to live
Synagogue height
Observations on health, authority and fasting
Activities forbidden to safeguard Shabbat observance
Searching for lice and killing them
Visiting sick and consoling mourners
Reading by lamplight
Safeguarding family purity
The 18 decrees *Megillat Taanit - a history of troubles
Communication of spiritual impurity
Disputes of Hillel and Shammai
The Purpose of a Gift
Shabbat is a precious gift which the Creator gave to the Jewish People. In order to let them know that this gift was an expression of His love for them, He instructed Moshe to relay to them the great reward they would receive for properly observing Shabbat. This is how our Sages understood the meaning of what G-d said to Moshe about the gift of Shabbat that they shall know that I, G-d, sanctify them. (Shmot 31:13)
The Sage Rav extended this concept of informing the recipient of the gift of the identity of the giver to gifts given from one human to another. Rashi explains that the purpose of such revelation is that it creates affectionate relationships by expressing the honor one shows to another. Even if one gives some food to anothers child, adds Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, he should inform the parent that he did so for the same reason.
Letting the recipient know who his benefactor is, notes Tosefot, is limited to gifts. In regard to charity, where there is a danger that the needy recipient will be ashamed if he is aware who is helping him, it is preferable for the benefactor to hide his identity in the spirit of what King Shlomo taught us a secret gift subdues the wrath of Heaven. (Mishlei 21:14)
Shabbat 10b
What the Sages Say
A man is obligated to check his clothes on Erev Shabbat before nightfall (so that there should be nothing in them which he may involuntarily carry on Shabbat into the public domain - Rashi).
- The Sage Chananya
The above is an important rule for Shabbat observance.
- Rabbi Yossef