Simcha's Torah Stories - Bo

Parshat Bo
Hi Mom, I'm home.
Avi! How are you? How was school?
Okay, I guess.
What's wrong Avi? You look a little sad.
I don't know, Mom.
You just went to the doctor two days ago, so we know that you are healthy. You have been getting plenty of sleep and eating well.
I know Mom. It's not my health.
Is anyone bothering you in school? Are any of the neighbors pestering you?
No, Mom. Everyone treats me great.
Do you have a lot of schoolwork that is pressuring you?
No more than normal Mom.
It sounds like nothing is really wrong. You are probably just going through a little down period Avi.
I think you are right Mom. How do I get out of it?
First of all Avi, put a smile on your face.
But I don't feel like smiling Mom.
You should smile anyway Avi.
But Mom isn't there something wrong with that? Isn't it false to smile when you are not really happy?
Avi, you probably also think that it is wrong to give charity if you are not really generous. Or it is wrong to study if you are not really studious. Or it is wrong to help people if you are not really kind.
Isn't it wrong to pretend Mom?
Sometimes it is Avi. However, many times it is the best thing that you can do. One of our great Rabbis wrote a book about the 613 Mitzvos entitled the "Sefer HaChinuch". In this week's Torah portion we find mitzvah number 16, the prohibition against breaking any of the bones of the Korbon Pesach (sacrifice that was brought on Pesach). The "Sefer HaChinuch" sets down a basic principle that is his key to personal growth and development. A person becomes what he does. If you want to change yourself in any way, begin with action.
What do you mean Mom?
If you want to be happy Avi, begin by acting happy.
Will that really make me happy Mom?
Most certainly Avi. Perhaps not right away, but after days, weeks, and months of acting happy, you will surely become as happy as you seem. If you want to become kind, then help people. Even if you do not feel like it. Help people whenever you have the opportunity. Again, after months of helping people, you will become a kind-hearted person. If you want to become generous then give gifts and charity.
But Mom, it sounds like you are just telling me to develop good habits.
That is a big part of it Avi. You should try to make good behavior habitual. But the "Sefer HaChinuch" is saying much more than that. You will not become a sad person with a good habit of acting happy. You will actually become a truly happy person, inside and out.
How can that be Mom? How can you change your nature like that?
That is the way that G-d created a person Avi. I guess you can say that the heart is connected to the body. If you can get your body to do a mitzvah over and over and over again, you heart will come to love that mitzvah. Now come, Avi, lets try it. Exercise those face muscles and give me a nice big smile.
I love you Mom.
Avi, you are smiling from ear to ear. I'll bet you feel happier already.
I don't just feel happier, Mom, I am happier. You are so good to me Mom.
That is because I love you Avi. My heart is drawn after my deeds. I gave birth to you and have cared for you your whole life. How can I help but to love you?
Mom, I am going to follow your example. I am going to do mitzvos all of the time. Then I will become a real mitzvah boy.
Avi you are already doing one very big mitzvah.
What is that Mom?
Making your mother very happy and very, very proud of you.

The following is a true number sentence: -1 + 9 - 9 + 2 = 1
Use any or all of the symbols: +, -, x, / in the spaces below to form three other true number sentences.
1 _ 9 _ 9 _ 2 = 2
1 _ 9 _ 9 _ 2 = 3
1 _ 9 _ 9 _ 2 = 4
Answer to Last Week's Question
Devora can walk at 2 miles per hour going up a mountain. Going down the same trail, she can walk at 6 miles per hour. If she spends no time at the top, what will be Devora's average speed for the whole hike?
Solution: Devora will average 3 miles per hour. If the trail is 6 miles long, she will take 3 hours to go up, walking at a speed of 2 miles per hour. Going down, she will take only 1 hour, walking at a speed of 6 miles per hour. Therefore, for the whole hike she will walk 12 miles in a total of 4 hours, which is a rate of 3 miles per hour.
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