Kinder Torah - Bereishis

For parents to share with
children at the Shabbos Table
Parshas Bereishis
Mr. Stanley Weiner, z"l
It Keeps the World Running
Chaim, wake up! You don't want to oversleep today. Today is your big class trip.Oy vey, Imma! What time is it? Am I late?
No, Chaim, you still have time. But don't delay.
I'm so excited, Imma. Today we are going to see the Electric Company's big power plant.
It sounds great, Chaim. Have a great time. And tell us all about it.
Wow, look at that, Avi! A huge generator. It must be as big as a four story building, and half a city block long. I have a question to ask of our tour guide, the Chief Engineer.
There he is Chaim. You can ask him now.
Excuse me sir, but what makes this huge generator run?
That's a very good question, young man. This hydrodynamic generator is fueled by the combustion of liquid petroleum fuel oil.
Do you mean sir, that fuel oil contains enough energy to run this huge generator?
Yes, that is correct young man.
Excuse me sir, but where does the fuel oil get the energy?
Young man, you have asked another good question. According to current theories, fossil fuels get their energy from the decay of organic matter.
Wow, organic matter. What's that?
Trees, plants, and even animals that have died and become buried deep in the earth.
I am sorry to ask so many questions sir, but where did the plants and animals get the energy from?
What is your name young man?
My name is Chaim, sir.
Chaim, all energy on the earth ultimately comes from the sun. The sunlight is captured by living things and stored as energy within them
Where does the sun get its energy from?
Chaim, the sun generates energy with nuclear fission and fusion. Atoms and molecules are broken down at their simplest levels to generate huge amounts of energy.
And where to the atoms get their energy, sir?
Chaim, enough hair splitting. It's time to continue with the tour.
Well, Chaim, how was your tour of the power plant today?
Great, Abba. We saw a huge generator, and I asked the chief engineer all kinds of questions. There was only one question that he didn't answer.
What was that, Chaim?
Where do atoms get their energy from?
Chaim, we learn that from parshas Bereshis, the very first parsha in the Torah. G-d created the Torah before He created the world. The Torah is the blueprint for the world. G-d used the blueprint to create the world. Why did G-d create the world? For the Jewish people to learn Torah. Besides, the Torah being the blueprint of the world, it provides the energy that keeps this world running.
Really Abba? How is that?
Our sages tell us that if for one moment all Torah learning would cease, the world would collapse. It would return to the nothingness that existed before creation. So you see, it is your Torah learning that provides the energy that keeps the atoms, the sun, the earth, the electric power station, and all of the world running.
Abba, I'd love to talk longer, but I had better get back to learning.
Chaim, you're the greatest.
The Source of All Blessing
Okay kinderlach, We have just finished Kiddush and Hamotzi. Let's now hear what everyone learned about this week's parsha. Shoshana, do you want to go first?I learned that Hashem created light on the first day.
Very good Shoshana. You are learning very well in gan. How about you Esti?
I learned that the snake spoke loshon hora and tricked Chava into eating from the Tree of Knowledge, which was a very big sin.
Esti, I see that you paid attention in your first grade class. Yes, Leah, what would you like to say?
I learned that Hashem said to the angels, "Let us make man in our image." This teaches us to be humble. Even Hashem took advice from the angels before creating man.
Wow, Leah. That is really an important lesson from the parsha. Last but not least, how about you, Ahuva.
Abba, I learned that Shabbos is the source of all of the blessings that we receive. The better that we guard and observe the Shabbos, the more Shabbos will protect us and bring us blessing.
Ahuva, that is wonderful, and so relevant to our Shabbos table. The Prophet Isaiah (58:13-14) tells us that we should not speak about our business matters on Shabbos. Our speech should be as holy as the day. Only words of Torah and prayer should cross our lips. That is why we make a special effort to get everyone involved in discussing the weekly parsha at the Shabbos table. To guard the holiness of Shabbos and bring blessing into our lives.
Thank you Abba, from all of us!
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