The Weekly Daf #70 Sanhedrin 58-64 Week of 9-15 Sivan 5755 / 7-13 June 1995 By Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, Dean, Ohr Somayach Institutions ========================================================================== Meat from Heaven The Question: What is the law concerning a piece of meat which miraculously comes down from heaven -- is it permissible to eat it? The Background: This question was asked in the Beis Midrash by Rabbi Shimon ben Chalafta at the conclusion of a remarkable incident. This sage had been walking along when suddenly confronted by two roaring, hungry lions. "The lions cry out for game" he quoted the words of King David (Tehillim 104:21) and Heaven responded by raining down two slabs of meat. One of them was consumed by the lions and they left behind the other. It was this meat which Rabbi Shimon brought to the Beis Midrash and inquired about its kashrus. The Ruling: "No impure food comes down from Heaven." Sanhedrin 59b ========================================================================== The Wicked Hand "One who raises his hand to strike another," states the Sage Reish Lakish, "is considered a wicked man even if he does not actually hit him." This is deduced from the words of admonition which Moshe Rabbeinu said to the man he saw threatening to strike another. "He said to the wicked one," writes the Torah (Shmos 2:13) "why do you strike your neighbor." Since he did not challenge him for actually striking the other person we conclude that he was labeled a wicked man for merely raising his hand to do so. Sanhedrin 58b =========================================================================== Look for Ohr Somayach, New York, on the World Wide Web. You can find info on the JLE program by pointing to http:/ =========================================================================== SUBSCRIBE! to one of the many weekly "lists" published by Ohr Somayach Institutions: weekly - Summary of the weekly Torah portion. dafyomi - Rav Mendel Weinbach's insights into the Daf Yomi. ask - The Rabbi answers YOUR questions on Judaism. parasha-qa - Challenging questions on the weekly Torah portion. os-special - All the SPECIAL publications produced by Ohr Somayach. os-alum - "B'Yachad" - the Ohr Somayach Electronic Alumni Newsletter. There is NEVER a charge for any of the above lists (though your local information provider, such as AOL, Prodigy or CompuServe, might charge a nominal fee). To subscribe to any of these lists, send the message: subscribe {listname} {your full name} to: =========================================================================== Dedication opportunities are available for The Weekly Daf. Please contact us for details. =========================================================================== Jewish L EEEEEEEE Prepared by Ohr Somayach Institutions J L E 22 Shimon Hatzadik Street, POB 18103 J L Exchange Jerusalem 91180, Israel J J L E Tel: 02-810315 Fax: 02-812890 JJJJ Learning EEEEEEEE Internet: =========================================================================== (C) 1995 Ohr Somayach International - All rights reserved. This publication may be distributed to another person intact without prior permission. We also encourage you to include this material in other publications, such as synagogue newsletters. However, we ask that you contact us beforehand for permission, and then send us a sample issue.