The Weekly Daf #17 Bava Kama 100-106 Week of 24-30 Sivan 5754/3-9 June 1994 By Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, Dean, Ohr Somayach Institutions ========================================================================= This issue is sponsored by El Al - Israel National Airlines ========================================================================= What No One Gives Away Case 1: Someone donates everything he owns to the Sanctuary. Results: The Sanctuary trustee cannot claim the clothes which the contributor has provided for his wife and children nor the new shoes he has purchased for them. Reason: A man who consecrates his possessions does not have in mind the clothes of his wife and children. Case 2: Someone donates everything he owns to the Sanctuary. Results: Even his Tefillin belong to the Sanctuary. Reason: ? Why don't we use the same logic as in Case One and rule that the donor certainly did not have in mind to give away the Tefillin he uses? The answer, says the Sage Abaye, is that the man who is donating everything to the Sanctuary feels that giving away his Tefillin to a holy cause is as important a mitzvah as holding on to them. But giving away the clothes of his wife and children will rupture his relationship with them so he definitely did not have that in mind. Bava Kama 102b ========================================================================= Walking in the Way of Hashem "You will let them know," said Yisro to his son-in-law Moshe, "_the_ way in which they shall walk." Shmos 18:20 "_the_ way" -- refers to acts of kindness to others. Bava Kama 100a The definitive designation of the way communicates the sense of the ultimate way, the way of Hashem. Walking in the way of Hashem, say the Sages, means emulating His way by clothing the naked as He did for Adam and Chava, visiting the sick as He did for Avrohom, burying the dead as He did for Moshe and comforting the mourners as He did for Yitzchak. Maharsha ========================================================================= SUBSCRIBE! to one of the many weekly "lists" published by Ohr Somayach Institutions: dafyomi - "The Weekly Daf," Rav Mendel Weinbach's insights into and comments on the seven pages of Talmud studied this week. Always interesting and CONTROVERSIAL reading! ask - Ask the Rabbi Column. Rabbi Yehoshua Karsh, of Ohr Somayach Jerusalem, answers YOUR questions on Judaism. weekly - Summary of the weekly Torah portion, plus summaries of commentaries from various sources. Designed for ALL readers, from INTRODUCTORY to ADVANCED. parasha-qa - Challenging questions on the weekly Torah portion. Includes the answers so you can check yourself! There is NEVER a charge for any of the above lists (though your local information provider, such as Prodigy or CompuServe, might charge a nominal fee). To subscribe to any of these lists, send the message: subscribe {listname} {firstname} {lastname} to: This address is only for SUBSCRIPTIONS. If you have any comments, questions and suggestions, we'd love to hear them! Send them to: Remember, these are all INTERNET addresses. Compuserve users must preface the address with "INTERNET:" ========================================================================= Are you a GRADUATING STUDENT, or are you about to leave for SUMMER VACATION and not have access to your account? Send us E-Mail and we'll either cancel your subscription, or POSTPONE your messages until you return. If you POSTPONE your messages, let us know if we should restart them at at the beginning of September or October 1994. We will automatically restart your subscription at that time, and you won't have to worry about missing a single Ohr Somayach publication! Remember, if you have access to COMPUSERVE or GOPHERS, you can access our archives. Check out the JERUSALEM1 GOPHER under RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, or on CompuServe, check out the JUDAISM LIBRARY in the RELIGION FORUM. ========================================================================= Dedication opportunities are available for the Weekly Daf. Please contact us for details. ========================================================================= Jewish L EEEEEEEE Prepared by Ohr Somayach Institutions J L E 22 Shimon Hatzadik Street, POB 18103 J L Exchange Jerusalem 91180, Israel J J L E Tel: 02-810315 Fax: 02-812890 JJJJ Learning EEEEEEEE Internet: =========================================================================