B'YACHAD! - 20
Issue #20; Av 5759
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Alumni Make Yom Iyun Banquet A Historic Success
"The banquet was absolutely terrific, except for one mistake. We didn’t anticipate such a large turnout, and failed to reserve the Grand Ballroom for the dinner."
This is how Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Nota Schiller summed up the historic success of the Yom Iyun and 27th Anniversary Dinner of Ohr Somayach, May 2nd at the Hilton in New York City. No one expected that almost two thousand people would arrive to hear the impressive roster of world renowned rabbeim giving lectures throughout the day. Fortunately, the Hilton’s Grand Ballroom, which was reserved for another evening affair, was put at our disposal for the afternoon at the last minute.
Furthermore, no one would have imagined that almost 700 people would attend the Ohr Somayach 27th Anniversary Banquet. For the dinner, the smaller hall we had reserved could not hold the large number of guests, and the only solution the Hilton management could offer was two adjoining halls.
This bidiyeved situation turned out to be a lechatchilah. It meant that the alumni and their families would be together in a hall set aside for them and their rabbeim, which gave the evening the special flavor of an intimate alumni reunion.
Although this arrangement required both of the Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Nota Schiller and Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, to speak alternately in each of the halls, it allowed them to devote their remarks to their beloved former talmidim just as they had paid special attention to them throughout the Yom Iyun. There was an opportunity for alumni to meet with them, and with Rabbi Bulman, Rabbi Pindrus, Rabbi Schoen, Rabbi Bradpiece, Rabbi Gottlieb, Rabbi Wein and Rabbi Tatz.
What both halls were able to enjoy simultaneously was a showing of "Ohr-Dessa Odyssey." The video describes the magnificent Ohr Somayach educational and social network serving more than 630 students and their families in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, a project which experts have described as the most successful outreach program in the former Soviet Union.
The alumni participation in the events of this unforgettable day, both in attendance and financial assistance, was a major factor in their success. In addition, three of the five people receiving awards at the banquet were alumni, who were honored, together with their wives, with the Shomrei Yisroel Young Leadership Award. The honors were symbolic of the fact that the alumni have emerged as the backbone of Ohr Somayach’s support from the Torah community. All of which has convinced the Hanholo of Ohr Somayach that next year we must reserve the Grand Ballroom — at least!
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Yitzchak Goldman and family
of the passing of his brother, o.b.m.
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General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Associate Editor: Victor Hyman
Production Design: Eli Ballon
© 1998 Ohr Somayach International - All rights reserved. This publication may be distributed to another person intact without prior permission.
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