B'YACHAD! - 12
Issue #12; Sivan 5758
Helping Hands for Shiduchim
Finding the right shiduch has long been one of the major problems faced by alumni after leaving the Yeshiva. We have been fortunate throughout the years of enjoying the cooperation of some wonderful families who have taken a personal interest in our talmidim and have helped them meet their basherte.
With the growth in numbers of single alumni in the States it became clear to Rabbi Moshe Pindrus, Ohr Somayach's Alumni Advisor, that an increased effort had to be made. He therefore took the initiative of contacting a number of new people with an interest and ability in the field of shiduchim and succeeded in mobilizing them for a special effort on behalf of our alumni.
A special arrangement has been made with Moshe and Shifra Finer for their professional services. Working with fully committed Baalei Teshuva; aged 20-50, they have successfully matched 115 couples. The Finers, who live in the Monsey area, have agreed to make a concentrated effort on behalf of our alumni as the recommended shadchanim of Ohr Somayach. They can be contacted between the hours of 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM at (914) 425-5507.
Talmidim who wish to contact Rabbi Pindrus for information on Alumni and friends of the Yeshiva who are involved in making shiduchim on a voluntary basis can do so by leaving a message at the Ohr Somayach Alumni office (718) 259-5111 or by contacting Ohr Somayach International (212) 213-3100.
May these new helping hands bring many long-awaited simchos for our alumni.
Response to a Response
In response to an article in B'Yachad entitled "Rosh Yeshiva Bares His Heart on the Issue of Shiduchim" we received a letter from alumnus Mark Hammill. While expressing his appreciation of our call to the married alumni of OS to help out their unmarried brethren he quoted a number of alumni as being frustrated about the small measure of help actually offered them in shiduchim.
We fully agree with Mark's observation that "OS owes it to their alumni to offer extensive help with shiduchim." We started doing so a couple of years ago through Rabbi Zalman Corlin and his rebbetzin. The report in "Helping Hands" is a reassuring indication that we are trying to do even more.
But once again we reiterate the Rosh Yeshiva's appeal for help from married alumni. Mark ended his thoughtful letter by saying that OS itself should heed the words used by the Rosh Yeshiva at the conclusion of his article: "But of course if it was your own brother who needed a shiduch you would find the time and you would work a little harder to find the right people."
We agree and we are working a little harder. We expect the same from all our married alumni.
Ohr Somayach Alumni Directory
On Line
If you have an email address send us your information to sign
up for this service. Send your name & spouse's name, address,
phone, fax, email & URL, years at OS and any additional comments
to: levs@ohr.edu
Ohr Somayach Alumnus Rabbi Fishel Frid is a director of a Latin-American kriuv organization in Monesey, NY seeks Outreach Profesionals for positions in Mexico City. Please contact Rabbi Frid via his e-mail orlat@mail.idt.net
Messages from Alumni
Simchas & Announcements
- Mr. and Mrs. Farrel Goldsmith on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bobo on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldman on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Munic on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Greg Jordan on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Eisenstein on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Herschoff on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Levine on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Binyomin Horowitz on the birth of a girl.
- Mr. Daniel Daduce on his engagement.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Margolis on the birth of a boy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fine on the birth of a boy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Michelson on their wedding.
- Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Helig on the birth of a boy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leon on the birth of a girl.
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Editor: Raphael Scott Leban
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Eli Ballon, Michael Treblow
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