What's New!
What's New!
Last Updated Monday, 30 March, 1998
Note that the current Parsha sheets are easily accessible from the Ohr Somayach Home Page
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Prepare for Pesach with Ohr Somayach.
Chopped Liver
® - Haman!
See how one group of people reads the Megilah during Purim.
(Updated 12 February 98)
PointCast Channels
Ohr Somayach now broadcasts on 3 different PointCast channels. Follow
above link for full details.
(Updated 12 February 98)
Yossi & Co.
Join Yossi & Co. as they explore the weekly Parsha in a format that's FUN
for the whole family!
Now available in color on the web, and black & white PDF format!
You can also get Yossi & Co. delivered via E-Mail each week! Subscribe right here:
(subscribers will receive a 200,000 byte Adobe PDF
file in their mailbox each week).
(Updated 26 January 1998)
Top Ten List
Jewish Books Not Yet Published.
(Updated 18 January 98)
There's A Voice
Chaim Salenger's latest musical album. Read the lyrics and
listen to clips from the songs.
Now you can even order the Tape or CD On-Line!
(Updated 19 Dec 97)
Rosh Hashanah &
Yom Kippur Home Page
Prepare for the New Year with Ohr Somayach.
(Updated 4 September 97)
Living UP To the
Rabbi Gottlieb's Historical Verification of the Torah
series. Third Revised Edition.
(Updated 29 July 97)
Jewish Educational Extensions
Ohr Somayach's first college course via the Internet. Course
begins Sunday, October 26, 1997.
(Updated 15 July 97)
Choped Liver ® Cartoons - Now archived in ONE file in Word or Acrobat Document
(Updated 6 July 97)
Top Ten List
Wishes of a Ba'al Teshuvah.
(Updated 26 June 97)
Liver ® - Mikveh
(Updated 26 June 97)
Yiddle Riddle Archives
Now you can find ALL Yiddle Riddles from Ask The Rabbi in one
convenient file.
(Updated 22 June 97)
The Ohr Somayach Guest Book
Completely reprogrammed and waiting for your comments.
(Updated 15 June 97)
Index to all files
(Updated 2 Apr 97)
Road Map to Jewish
A survey of the Written & Oral Law - now in MS Word and
PDF formats
(Updated 25 Feb 97)
The Helicopter
Tragedy: Whose Failure? by Rav Mendel Weinbach
(Updated 10 Feb 97)
Audio Lecture
Revolution For Tradition: Jews under Communism - Nature of the
Spiritual World by Rabbi Eliyahu Essas
(Updated 6 Jan 97)

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