Mazal Tov! ZAKA to the Rescue « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 14 December 2002 / 9 Tevet 5763

Mazal Tov! ZAKA to the Rescue

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Mazal, a 14-year old girl living in the charedi town of Emanuel in the Shomron, was very excited about participating in the wedding of her brother scheduled for late August. But a terrorist attack on the bus she was riding in almost put an end to her hopes.

A little over a month before the wedding the bus she was on was just about to enter Emanuel when a terrorist ambush claimed the lives of nine people. One of the many seriously wounded was Mazal, who went into a coma. When she finally emerged from the coma she begged the doctors to allow her to go and dance at her brothers wedding. Their answer, based on her delicate condition, was negative.

To the rescue came Moti Buckchin, a volunteer in the ZAKA organization. The prime responsibility of this highly respected organization is to identify the victims of terrorist attacks and traffic accidents and to assure that all parts of their bodies are brought to burial in accordance with religious law. The ZAKA volunteers are often the first ones to arrive at the scene of a terrorist attack and to administer emergency medical treatment.

This time, however, a ZAKA volunteer dealt with life rather than death. Moti set up a satellite feed from the brothers wedding to Mazals bed so that she could virtually participate in his wedding.

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