Just in Time « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 11 July 2009 / 18 Tammuz 5769

Just in Time

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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For weeks the Hatzalah rescue team in the Orthodox community of Beitar Ilit made an effort to find a donor for an expensive piece of lifesaving equipment known as "Life-Pac". They finally received this valuable machine, which sends electric impulses into the body of someone whose pulse has stopped, thanks to the generosity of a Baltimore Jew. Only eight hours after they held a special ceremony inaugurating its addition to their lifesaving arsenal, a call came for emergency help.

A 50-year old man had suffered heart arrest while riding a bicycle on the road near Beitar. The Hatzalah volunteers were the first to arrive at the scene and one of them began using the Life-Pac in an attempt to achieve resuscitation. Although the first electric shock failed to produce the desired result, a second one restored the pulse and a life was saved by a machine that came just in time.

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