Derech to the Rescue « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 5 March 2005 / 24 Adar I 5765

Derech to the Rescue

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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Not every boy without a family enjoys a Bar Mitzvah celebration like the one which took place recently in Jerusalems Sanhedria Childrens Home, an orphanage and rehabilitation center which provides a residence for children at risk.

Yossi Burstein, a student in the Derech Program of Yeshivat Ohr Somayach, came to the celebration with some of his peers. This is how Miriam Braun of Sanhedria describes what happened in a letter she sent to the director of Derech, Rabbi Nachy Brickman:

"From the moment the Derech boys walked in, the atmosphere was filled with ruach, with fun and good will. Yossi & Co. contributed greatly to making the evening one that the children will long remember. They danced, sang, lifted the Chatan Bar Mitzvah on their shoulders and made him feel like king for the day."

In her concluding thanks to the head of Derech, Rabbi Moshe Lazerus, and his staff, she offers a blessing to which every one of our readers will certain say Amen:

"With the help of G-d you will continue to have wonderful nachat from your pupils."

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