Pesachim 114 - 121 « TalmuDigest « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 12 October 2013 / 8 Heshvan 5774

Pesachim 114 - 121

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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The Boomerang of Environment

  • Pesachim 116a

The social nature of man makes him very vulnerable to the influences of his environment, for good and otherwise. While the usual impact of the environment is conformity with the standards, there is sometimes the boomerang effect of a person’s surroundings turning him in an opposite direction.

This will help us understand more profoundly why our Mishna instructs us to begin the recitation of the Haggadah by mentioning our unsavory past before speaking of our present glory. The Sage Rav explains that we fulfill this by our recalling that “at first our forefathers were idolaters… Terach, the father of Avraham and of Nachor, and they worshiped other gods.”

Why is it necessary to trace our lineage back to Avraham’s idol-worshiping father?

In his classical ethical work “Michtav Mai’Eliyahu”, Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler suggests that we thus wish to point out that the development of the Patriarch Avraham as a giant of faith in monotheism was greatly influenced by his immunity to idolatry resulting from his exposure to the corruption of his environment.

The same approach applies to what the Sage Shmuel suggests as a reference to our humble beginnings: “We were slaves to Pharaoh in .” In preparing His chosen people for the sanctified role of receiving His Torah, G-d did not take them to the holiest of places, but rather to the land that was the quintessence of spiritual corruption. It was there that the environment had a boomerang effect of injecting them with an immunity to a lifestyle opposed to the values which G-d expected of man.

Only after we thus reflect on our beginnings as a people are we able to appreciate what developed from them. From ancestors who worshiped idols we became the nation “whom the Omnipresent has brought to His service”, and from being slaves in corrupt “G-d took us out of there with a strong hand and outstretched arm.”

Beginning with an inglorious past may provide this important lesson in the boomerang effect of environment but its main purpose is to teach us how much we are indebted to G-d for the happy ending of being free men who received His Torah.

What the Sages Say

When we say in Hallel “Let all the nations praise G-d, for His lovingkindness to us is so great” (Tehillim 117:1-2), we call attention to the fact that the nations who tried to harm us recognize what He has done to them for our sake and are compelled to praise Him – how much more are we obligated to sing His praises.

  • Rabbi Yishmael quoting his father, Rabbi Yossi
    Pesachim 118b

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