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» Taamei Hamitzvos - Remembering Amalek
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Taamei Hamitzvos - Remembering Amalek
Taamei Hamitzvos - Lending Without Interest (Part Two)
Taamei Hamitzvos - Lending Without Interest (Part One)
Taamei Hamitzvos - Cutting Down Fruit Trees
Taamei Hamitzvos - Ten Lessons From the Manna (Mon)
Taamei Hamitzvos - Sanctification of the New Moon
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Shabbos Mussaf Offering
Taamei Hamitzvos - Judging Favorably
Taamei Hamitzvos - Inheritance of the Firstborn
Chanukah Special Feature for the Family!
Taamei Hamitzvos - Yibum and Chalitzah
Taamei Hamitzvos - Sending Away the Mother Bird
Taamei Hamitzvos - Paying a Worker on Time
Taamei Hamitzvos - Honoring Parents
Taamei Hamitzvos - Excessive Mourning
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Roots of Amon and Moav
The Duality of Lot
Taamei Hamitzvos - Loving the Convert
Taamei Hamitzvos - Sukkos
Taamei Hamitzvos - Rosh Hashanah Special - Shofar
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Mitzvahs of a King
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Mitzvah to Appoint a King
Taamei Hamitzvos - Mezuzah
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Daily Offerings (Part Two)
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Daily Offerings (Part One)
Taamei Hamitzvos - Birkas Kohanim
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Parah Adumah
Taamei Hamitzvos - Terumah, Maaser, and Challah
Taamei Hamitzvos - Tzitzis
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Nazir
Taamei Hamitzvos - Bikkurim and the Giving of the Torah
Taamei Hamitzvos - Evaluating the Four Stages of Life
Taamei Hamitzvos - Yovel and the Redemption of Land
Taamei Hamitzvos - Counting the Omer
Taamei Hamitzvos - Matzah and Chametz
Taamei Hamitzvos - Tzaraas
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Pesach Offering
Taamei Hamitzvos - Leftover Offerings
Taamei Hamitzvos - Remembering Amalek
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Menorah (Part 2 of 2)
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Half-Shekel (Part 2 of 2)
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Half-Shekel (Part 1 of 2)
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Eight Priestly Garments
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Golden Menorah
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Jewish Slave
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Sacrificial Altar and Its Ramp
Taamei Hamitzvos - Shabbos Boundaries
Taamei Hamitzvos - Sanctification and Redemption of Firstborns
Taamei Hamitzvos - The Prohibition Against Eating Blood
Taamei Hamitzvos - Circumcision
Taamei Hamitzvos - Procreation
Taamei Hamitzvos - Not to Hate a Fellow Jew
Special Chanukah Feature
Taamei Hamitzvos - Fear of the Enemy
Special Chanukah Feature
Taamei Hamitzvos - Gid Hanasheh
Taamei Hamitzvos - Trumpet-Blowing at Times of War and Distress
Taamei Hamitzvos - Not Removing the Aron’s Handles
Taamei Hamitzvos - Fear of the Enemy
Taamei Hamitzvos - Tefillin
Perek Shira: The Song of the Dogs
Rosh Hashanah / Yom Kippur Special Feature: Taking Responsibility for Our Lives
Perek Shira: The Song of the Mouse
Perek Shira: The Song of the Ant
Perek Shira: The Song of the Snail
Perek Shira: The Song of the Fox
Tisha B’av Special Feature
The Song of the Hunting Dog
Perek Shira: The Song of the Snake
Perek Shira: The Song of the Strong amongst the Creeping Creatures
Perek Shira: The Song of the Cat
Perek Shira: The Song of the Wolf
Perek Shira: The Song of the Bear
Shavout Special Feature
The Song of Creeping Creatures
Perek Shira: The Song of the Lion
Perek Shira: The Song of the Elephant
Perek Shira: The Song of The Gazelle
Pesach Special Feature
Perek Shira: The Song of Wild Animals
Perek Shira: The Song of the Ox
Purim: The Hidden Miracle
Perek Shira: The Song of the Donkey
Perek Shira: The Song of the Mule
Perek Shira: The Song of the Horse
Perek Shira: The Song of the Camel
Perek Shira: The Song of Sheep and Goats
Perek Shira: The Song of the Frog
Perek Shira: The Song of the Fish
Perek Shira: The Song of the Sea Giants
Perek Shira: The Song of the Fly
Perek Shira: The Song of the Chasil Locust
Perek Shira: The Song of the Wild Goose
Perek Shira: The Song of the Goose
Perek Shira: The Song of the Starling
Perek Shira: The Song of the Raven
Perek Shira: The Song of the Stork
Perek Shira: The Song of the Turtledove
Perek Shira: The Song of the Swallow
Yom Kippur - What a Beautiful Baby!
Perek Shira: The Song of the Sparrow
Rosh Hashonah Special Feature: The Judgment of Rosh Hashanah
Tisha B’Av Special Feature: Feeling the Loss
Perek Shira: The Song of the Crane
Perek Shira: The Song of the Eagle
Perek Shira: The Song of the Dove
Perek Shira: The Song of the Hen
Perek Shira: The Song of the Rooster
Parsha Ponders: The Dormant Merit
Parsha Ponders: Eyes To See
Perek Shira: The Song of the Grasses
Perek Shira: The Song of the Vegetables of the Field
Shavuot - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Perek Shira: The Song of the Ordinary Stalks
Parsha Ponders: Shavuot - Torah is a Gift, No a Burden
Perek Shira: The Song of the Ordinary Stalks
Parsha Ponders - Fire, Water & Desert
Perek Shira: The Song of the Barley Stalk
Perek Shira: The Song of the Apple Tree
Parsha Ponders - Ensuring the Redemption
Parsha Ponders - The Septennial Shabbat
Perek Shira - The Song of the Pomegranate Tree
Perek Shira - The Song of the Wheat Stalk
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Fig Tree
Perek Shira: The Song of the Grapevine
The Reacceptance of the Torah on Purim
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Trees of the Field
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Rain
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Dew
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Lightning
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Wind
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Clouds of Glory
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Clouds
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Stars
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Moon
A Future of Freedom
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Sun
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Night
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Day
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Springs
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Seas 2
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of the Seas 1
Chanukah: Celebrating the Oral Torah
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of Water
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence – The Song of the Fields
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence – The Song of the Desert
Perek Shira: The Song of Existence - The Song of Gehinnom
Perek Shira - The Song of Existence - The Song of the Garden of Eden
Perek Shira – The Song of Existence – The Song of the Earth - Vayera
Perek Shira – The Song of Existence – The Song of the Heavens - Lech Lecha
Perek Shira - The Song of Existence - The Date Palm
What a Beautiful Baby! (Yom Kippur)
Hero or Thief? by Rabbi Gavriel Rubin
The Judgment of Rosh Hashanah
Perek Shira - The Song of Existence - Introduction - by Rabbi Shmuel Kraines
Vaccines and Halacha
Reading Megillat Ruth on Shavuot
Special Shavuot Feature! Why Was Six Scared of Seven?
Four More Questions: Exploring the Connection between the Number Four and Pesach
The Dreidel’s Secret - Chanukah
The Frog Virus?
The Essence of Vidui
Seder Highlights: Urchatz Everyday?
All My Plagues
Understanding the Purim Miracles
The Succot Season
The Conception of the World
Renewing and Improving Our Ways
A Message for Rosh Hashana
If I Forget You, O Jerusalem...
Reflections on the eternity of Jerusalem and the new location of the US Embassy
Minimum Entropy
Judaism and the Second Amendment
The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth?
Reflections on the recent Polish legislation regarding "Holocaust crimes"
Don't Be Childish! Do Be Childlike!
Noble Blossoming
Based on the writings of Rav Hirsch
Apples vs. Carrots
The Miracle(s) of Chanuka
Chanuka: From Clouds to Candles
A Chanuka Thought from the Rosh Yeshiva
New Beginnings
Why Eight Days?
Total Mitzvah
Yom Kippur - Repetitive Reflection
Offering of Rosh Hashana
Which Way is Up?
Rosh Hashana: A Tale of Two Beginnings
Orbital Omens
Learning from Everyone
Shavuot Handbook
The Haggadah: A Commentary on "Arami Oved Avi"
Freedom Food
The Shabbat Connection
Chanuka: Word Wars
Does language affect the way we think, and if so what are the consequences?
A Brief History and Background of the Chanuka Story
Who will the Jews choose?
A Torah Perspective on the US Presidential Elections
The Parsha Dual Dichotomy 5776 - Part 3
The Parsha Dual Dichotomy 5776 - Part 2
The Parsha Dual Dichotomy 5776 - Part 1
"I Am" - an expression of love
Shavuot - Connecting with the Creator
The Dichotomy of a Jew
All Four One and One Four All
The Mystery of the Maror
I'll Have a Hillel, Please!
Donuts and Do Nots
In reference to the recent Israeli High Court decision permitting the Reform Movement to use religious council mikvahs
Not for the Sake of Victory
The Miracle behind Nature
Prime Beef
Rabbi Chaim Yechiel Rothman, zt"l
A Memoir
Lot - Seeds of the Messiah
Mysterious Omens and our Forefathers
Two Days and Two Judgments
Twelve Months Later…
Raising Children in an Insane World
A Heavenly Gift
Beyond the Bonfires
You're as Great as the Challenge
The Story of Our Faith
Just Kidding?
Great Wealth
Jewish Gastronomy - There's Nothing Quite Like It
Until the Last Lap
Cast a Giant Shadow
Chanuka - Shedding New Light on Boredom
The Miracle of Nature
The Solidity of Fragility
The Mikve of Israel
Plants vs. Zombies - a deeper look at the four species
The Days of Awe - Reconnecting to the Real You
Twistifications and Triplifications
Where's the Beracha?
Protective Edge
Reflections on the Current Situation
A Nation Mourns
The Pesach Relay Race
Pass the Bitter Herbs!
The Touch of Eternity
A tribute to Reb Meir Schuster zatzal
Retroactive Reading : "In those days in this time"
From Darkness to Light
Rav Weinbach, zatzal
Rav Ovadia Yosef – A Torah Giant in Every Sense
Yom Kippur - Taking Responsibility For Our Lives
A Fleeting Look at the Year
Vaccinations and Halacha
“To Err is Arrogant”
The Sky's the Limit!
Linking Shavuot and the Book of Numbers
Why Was Six Scared of Seven?
Introduction to the Ten Plagues
Based on the Malbim
Rewriting Geography: Jerusalem, Lakewood, Washington
Purim: Revealing the Hidden
A Time To Cry (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
Our Son’s Bar Mitzvah without Rav Weinbach, zatzal
My Son the Jewish Hero
The Light of Happiness
Simchat Torah:The Culmination of the Days of Awe
“People of the Bike”
A look into the differing nature of Shabbat and the Festivals
Why Isn't This Night Different From All Other Nights?
Who Will the Jews Choose?
A Torah Perspective on the US Presidential Elections
The Full Half of the Cup
The Propaganda of Poverty
Sanctifying the Material - Not Rejecting It
Milk and Honey, Honey and Milk
What's the Difference?
Questions to think about before Pesach
Purim Revisited (and Revised)
Why Do They Hate Religious Jews?
Insights into the current anti-religious campaign
A Chip Off The Old Block
The Hidden Light
The Mityavnim - Then and Now
How Jews turn against Jews
Where Credit Is Due
Reflections on the Return of Gilad Shalit
Riding the Apocalyptic Wave
The Flood, the Destruction of Sodom, and the Succah
Boycottage Cheese Rebellion
The Kindest and Unkindest Cut
Reflections on the Royal Wedding
Leaving the Mitzraim Within Us
The Greatest Miracle
Another perspective of the Exodus and the Splitting of the Sea
Cleaning Up the Country
Earthquake in Japan - Then and Now
Costume Custom
The origin and reason for masquerades on Purim
The Mitzvah of Machtzit Hashekel
Fasting Before Feasting
Insights on the connection between the Fast of Esther and Purim
Nations in Uproar - Today and Tomorrow
"Who in Fire"
Reflections on the Great Fire in the North of Israel
The Last Drop
Thanks and Praise
A Time To Speak
Hearing and Doing
A Question About a Question
Another Look at the Oscars
Another Reason to Celebrate
It Can't Happen Here
Reflections on the Haiti Earthquake from a Torah Perspective
Chanukah - The Transcendent Holiday
Light and Darkness
A Topical Message From the Roshei Yeshiva
Who is Like Unto Your People Israel, One Nation on Earth
The Old and the New
Independence and Survival
Happy Sun-day!
The Pesach Handbook
The Pur and the Poor
A Purim Perspective on Prosperity
When All Jews Are One
Reflections on the current crisis
Where are the Answers?
Reflections on the Mumbai Massacre
Some are Here and Summer There
Reflections on Summer Vacations
Purim - History Repeats Itself
The Jewish Metaphysics of Baseball
Recipe for Long Life
The Wonder of the World
The Ultimate Message
Ohr Lagolah - A Kiruv Ray of Hope
Hundreds of Bnei Torah bringing thousands of Jews throughout the world back to their Jewish roots
Be Fruitful
Four Sons - One Father
Breaking the Barriers
An Incredible Shabbat with the Mentors Mission
Persia, Purim and Peace - A Torah View of the Iranian Threat
Babylon, Bubble and Babble
The First Chanukah Light in Begen Belsen
A Chanukah Story
Of Bombs and Burials
A Premature Farewell
Answering Krauthammer's Question
While the Missiles Fly
Caricature of a Watchdog
Second Thoughts About Freedom of the Press
Seven From Heaven
A Time for appreciating the Heavenly blessing of Eretz Yisrael and its produce
Holocaust Survivors Find a Home - Part II
The 25 Million Dollar Sacrifice
Can a Jewish New Yorker Root For The White Sox?
Israel Under Siege?!
Freedom of/from Religion
Holocaust Survivors Find a Home
Paris in the Fall
Maps, Saps and Sappers
Fish of the Sea
The Stormy Wind Which Does His Bidding
Up to the Brim
Each To Their Own
The Unbroken Cycle
Tsunami and Tsusamin
Fast of Tevet Message (Audio)
It's That Time of the Year Again
The Second Goblet
The Matza Message
Purim Symbols and Cymbals
Shevat Swarming Towards Perfection
Siege Mentality
Love of the Land special for the 10th Tevet
Lest We Forget
Reflections on the Fast of Tisha BAv
Feeding the Ducks
Israel's Stake in the War Against Saddam
Reaching for the Stars
The Israeli Dimension of the Columbia Tragedy
Cloning - A Jewish Perspective
An audio presentation discussing the implications of cloning
Titus' Arch - an ancient mystery solved
The True Spirit of Chanuka
The Curse of Happiness
When Less is More
Nine Eleven & Seven Ten
Reflections on Twin Towers and Twin Dates
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