Shemoneh Esrei: The Fourteenth Blessing: Part 3
One morning, as Moish exits the shul building he sees Dave, a young member, with a tzedaka box. He stops and asks him what he’s collecting for. “It is for my wedding.” “Mazel Tov!” Moish says as he looks at the change in the box — a collection of pennies and nickels with an occasional quarter. “When is the big day?” he asks as he reaches into his pocket for some change. “When I collect enough money for the wedding,” Dave’s resplies. Moish then reconsiders and hands Dave a five dollar bill, adding, “I’m sure she’s a great young woman. Good luck!”
Every request for the redemption is like a penny in our story. When we beseech
A question remains. The Jewish People have been praying together three times a day for millennia for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Beit Hamikdash. How is it that we have not yet merited to see our prayers answered?
Answer: Even if a prayer seems to go unanswered, it does not mean that the prayer was in vain, Heaven forbid. Besides adding to the collection of prayers, the person will also be rewarded for fulfilling a positive commandment, as well as for expressing his faith in
In fact, every letter and word said in prayer for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the final redemption is precious to