A Reason for Aliya
So few Jews today take advantage of the opportunity to settle in Eretz Yisrael despite the fact that it opens its arms to welcome them. The reason for this reluctance is often the unwillingness to part with some of the comforts enjoyed abroad.
The prayers of Moshe Rabbeinu to be allowed to enter Eretz Yisrael which are mentioned in the Torah portion of Vaetchanan give us a totally different insight. Why did Moshe so wish to enter the Holy Land, ask our Sages? Was it to enjoy its fruits and bounty?
The answer given is that Moshe was aware that there are certain mitzvot which can only be fulfilled in Eretz Yisrael and he longed for the opportunity to fulfill them.
If the goal of aliya is spiritual fulfillment, a person will be happy to make the move despite all the problems.