Parshat V'zot Habracha « Parsha Q&A « Ohr Somayach

Parsha Q&A

For the week ending 25 September 2010 / 16 Tishri 5771

Parshat V'zot Habracha

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  1. Before giving the Torah, Hashem went to Seir and Mount Paran. Why?
  2. Why is Yehuda blessed immediately after Reuven?
  3. What covenant (brit) did Levi keep?
  4. Why was Binyamin blessed before Yosef?
  5. Which Tribe received the "best" portion of Eretz Yisrael?
  6. Besides the sun, which celestial body helps fruit to ripen?
  7. If there were only 7 Canaanite nations, why did Yehoshua need to conquer 31 kings?
  8. What three things did the land of Zevulun possess?
  9. What did visiting merchants see that inspired them to convert to Judaism?
  10. The tribe of Gad saw "the beginning -- reishit." The beginning of what?
  11. The source of the Jordan River was in the territory of which tribe?
  12. Which tribe possessed the Kinneret?
  13. The daughters of which tribe married High Priests and Kings?
  14. Who wrote the last eight verses in the Torah, starting with the verse "and Moshe died"?
  15. Who buried Moshe?


All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Before giving the Torah, Hashem went to Seir and Mount Paran. Why?
    33:2 - In order to offer the Torah to t he people of Seir (Eisav's descendants) and the people of Paran (Yishmael's descendants).
  2. Why is Yehuda blessed immediately after Reuven?
    33:7 - Because both of them admitted their sin.
  3. What covenant (brit) did Levi keep?
    33:9 - Brit Mila (circumcision).
  4. Why was Binyamin blessed before Yosef?
    33:12 - Because the Beit Hamikdash, built in Binyamin's portion, was "more beloved" than the Mishkan built in Yosef's portion.
  5. Which Tribe received the "best" portion of Eretz Yisrael?
    33:13 - Yosef.
  6. Besides the sun, which celestial body helps fruit to ripen?
    33:14 - The moon.
  7. If there were only 7 Canaanite nations, why did Yehoshua need to conquer 31 kings?
    33:17 - Since the Land was so desirable, all foreign kings and governments acquired palaces and property there.
  8. What three things did the land of Zevulun possess?
    33:19 - Tarit, a type of fish; Chilazon, a mollusk whose blood was needed for the techelet (a dye needed for tzitzit); and a type of sand needed for white glass.
  9. What did visiting merchants see that inspired them to convert to Judaism?
    33:19 - They saw that the Jews serve one G-d and follow a unified kashrut code.
  10. The tribe of Gad saw "the beginning -- reishit." The beginning of what?
    33:21 - They saw the beginning of the conquest of the land, and chose that as its portion.
  11. The source of the Jordan River was in the territory of which tribe?
    33:22 - Dan.
  12. Which tribe possessed the Kinneret?
    33:23 - Naftali.
  13. The daughters of which tribe married High Priests and Kings?
    33:24 - Asher.
  14. Who wrote the last eight verses in the Torah, starting with the verse "and Moshe died"?
    34:5 - According to one opinion, Yehoshua wrote it. Rabbi Meir says Moshe himself wrote it with tears.
  15. Who buried Moshe?
    34:6 - According to one opinion, Hashem buried Moshe. Accordin g to Rabbi Yishmael, Moshe buried himself.

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