Adam Pasternak « @OHR « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 15 March 2014 / 13 Adar II 5774

Adam Pasternak

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Age 26
Queens, NY
Queens College: Major in Accounting
Insurance Company Accountant

Intermediate and Derech Programs Alumnus

Adam represents an aspect of Ohr Somayach that characterizes the strength and uniqueness of its environment. It was not in the least bit unusual to see a young man in a suit and black hat carrying three books of gemara while engaged in animated conversation with another young man in shorts, T-shirt and no yarmulke. Not only do Jews of every stripe co-exist and interact, but Ohr Somayach often has the ability to truly transform people. In many cases, in a few short years, the guy in the shorts and the guy in the suit become the same person, an individual truly connected to his Judaism. As Adam puts it, “I feel lucky and blessed to have been able to spend my college summers there.”

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