Chaim David Bauer « @OHR « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 10 March 2012 / 15 Adar I 5772

Chaim David Bauer

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Berkeley, CA
UCDAVIS – International Relations and Italian major

Monterey Institute of International Studies – Environmental Policy and Portuguese

Attended Ohr Somayach from 2010-12

Between mastering languages and traveling the globe, Chaim David, one of triplets, didn’t think much about his two brothers becoming religious, but when he came to Israel for his brother’s wedding, Torah started to shine over the horizon. The whole family was inspired by the occasion and began investigating the Torah lifestyle. Ohr Somayach was there for his brothers, and now, with Chaim David, the trilogy was complete.

Chaim David felt like he was in kindergarten again: non-stop curiosity and discovery. For the first time in his life he was surrounded by Jewish people, Jewish philosophy, Jewish holidays.

Still, he had plans to go to Indonesia that he didn’t want to change, and so he left. The next four months in Asia were the worst of his life. Needless to say, he made aliyah and is now happily married and living in Jerusalem, learning to get smicha as an environmentalist-Rabbi. One brother is a sofer scribe in Beitar Ilit near Jerusalem and the other is a doctor in Philadelphia. All three are happy and successful young men who have returned to their family heritage.

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