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» Tears - Then and Now
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Tears - Then and Now
Humanity Prevails
A Lesson in Parenting
Living Transmission
Life and Land
Authentic Peace
Chukat: Snake Eyes
Sleep On It
Separating Challah
Complaints and Quail
Bamidbar: Diversity and Unity
Celebrating Preparation
Responding to the Progressive Son
Duty of Conscientiousness
Sanctuary, Sin, Sanctuary
From Luxury to Light
The Menorah: Enlightened Spirit
Social Justice
Inherited Impact
Weapons of Faith
Like a Lamb
The Staff-Serpent Sign
Family Offering
Restoring Brotherly Love
Resolve and Remorse
A Historic Struggle
Tefillat Haderech: A Prayer to Travel Through Life
Blessing in Isolation
Marriage and Love
Be My Guest
Count to Ten
Noach: Post-Deluvian Education
Bereishet: Be Fruitful and ….. Educate
Curse of Hypocrisy
A Rebel with a Cause
Fat or Fit
More than Kettle to the Metal
Authentic Peace
D.A.: District Attorney or Divine Agent?
Divinely Ordained
Parshat Shlach Lecha
Parashat Beha’alotcha
Parashat Naso
The Census: Where Everyone Counts
Triple Covenant
Conflict of Interest
Israel's Magna Charta
Parashat Tazria
Demanding of His Dear Ones
Drawing Close With a Korban
Sanctified Creativity
Melechet Machshevet
A Complete Half-Shekel
Cut from the Cloth of Character
Mishkan and Mikdash
Social Justice
Judaism: Not Religion or Theology
Authenticating Doubts
Beyond the Moon
From Nadir to Nation
Foreign but Equal
Jewish Monarchy
A Day in the Life
Restoring Brotherly Love
The Power of Minority
A Historic Struggle
Tefillat Haderech: A Prayer to Travel Through Life
Misleading Deception
Authentic Innocence and Beauty
Beknown and Beloved
Count to Ten
Yom Kippur
Avowal of Mission Fulfilled
A Rebel with a Cause
Shoftim: Free of Criminal Liability
Re’eh: Duty by Day, Trust by Night
Ekev: Grace of G-D
Va’etchanan: Shema Yisrael
Written in the Stars
Parashat Masei: Life and Land
Rosh Chodesh: Atonement for G-D?
Freedom of Speech
Three Benefactors
Sleep On It
Separating Challah
A Prophecy of Democracy
Parashat Naso
Parashat Bamidbar
Parashat Bechukotai
Priests of Life
Enlightened Practice
Parashat Tazria - Metzora
Parashat Shemini
Parashat Tzav
Duty of Conscientiousness
Parashat Vayakhel
"Keeping" the Sabbath
Special Purim Feature
Parashat Terumah
Notes to the Oral Law
Parashat Yitro
Parashat Beshalach
Parashat Bo
Parashat Vaera
Parashat Shemot
Parashat Vayechi
Parashat Vayigash
Parashat Mikeitz
Parashat Vayeshev
Parashat Vayishlach
Behold! A Ladder of Lessons
Qualifying for a Blessing
Living Through the Days
The Tzaddik Missing from Sodom
Laughing Stock
Young at Heart — Evil at Heart?
Instinct and Conscience
From Glory to Demons: The Path of Defection
Faith in Fortune
Curse of Hypocrisy
A Rebel with a Cause
Shoftim - Jewish Kingship
Give to your Poor - Parashat Re'eh
Rupture and Repair
Living Transmission
You Be the Judge of That
Value of a Vow
Parshat Pinchas
Parshat Balak
Seeing Snakes
Giving: It’s a Given
Calev – Alone in Courage
Complaints and Quail
Parshat Naso
Parshat Bamidbar
Parshat Behar - Bechukotai
Parshat Emor
Parshat Acharei Mot - Kedoshim
Parshat Tazria - Metzora
Parshat Shemini
Parshat Tzav
Parshat Vayikra
Parshat Vayakhel - Pekudei
Parshat Ki Tisa
Parshat Tetzaveh
Parshat Teruma
Parshat Mishpatim
Parshat Yitro
Parshat Beshalach
Parshat Bo
Parshat Vaera
Parshat Shmot
Parshat Vayechi
Parshat Vayigash
Parshat Miketz
Parshat Vayeshev
Parshat Vayishlach
Parshat Vayeitzei
Parshat Toldot
Parshat Chayei Sara
Parshat Vayera
Parshat Lech Lecha
Parshat Noach
Parshat Bereishet
Parshat Haazinu
Parshat Vayelech
Parshat Nitzavim
Parshat Ki Tavo
A Rebel with a Cause
Parshat Shoftim
Parshat Re'eh
Parshat Ekev
Parshat Va'etchanan
Parshat Devarim
Parshat Masei
Parshat Matot
Parshat Pinchas
Parshat Balak
Parshat Chukat
Parshat Korach
Parshat Shlach
Parshat Beha'alotcha
Parshat Bamidbar
Parshat Bechukotai
Parshat Behar
Parshat Emor
Parshat Kedoshim
Parshat Acharei Mot
Parshat Metzora
Parshat Tazria
Pesach Special
Parshat Shemini
Parshat Tzav
Parshat Vayikra
Parshat Pekudei
Parshat Vayakhel
Parshat Ki Tisa
Parshat Tetzaveh
Parshat Teruma
Parshat Mishpatim
Parshat Yitro
Parshat Beshalach
Parshat Bo
Parshat Vaera
Parshat Shmot
Parshat Vayechi
Parshat Vayigash
Parshat Mikeitz - Chanukah
Parshat Vayeshev
Parshat Vayeitzei
Parshat Toldot
Parshat Chayei Sara
Parshat Vayera
Parshat Lech Lecha
Parshat Noach
Parshat Bereishet
Parshat V’zot Haberacha
Parshat Ha'azinu
Parshat Vayelech
Parshat Netzavim
Parshat Ki Tavo
Parshat Ki Tetzei
Parshat Shoftim
Parshat Re'eh
Parshat Ekev
Parshat Va'etchanan
Parshat Devarim
Parshat Matot - Masei
Parshat Pinchas
Parshat Balak
Parshat Chukat
Parshat Korach
Parshat Shlach
Parshat Beha'alotcha
Parshat Nasso
Parshat Bamidbar
Parshat Bechukotai
Parshat Behar
Parshat Emor
Parshat Acharei Mot - Kedoshim
Parshat Tazria
Parshat Shemini
Sefirat Ha’Omer
Parshat Tzav
Parshat Vayikra
Parshat Vayakhel
Parshat Ki Tisa
Parshat Tetzaveh
Parshat Teruma
Parshat Mishpatim
Parshat Yitro
Parshat Beshalach
Parshat Bo
Parshat Vaera
Parshat Shmot
Parshat Vayechi
Parshat Vayigash
Parshat Mikeitz
Parshat Vayeshev
Parshat Vayishlach
Parshat Vayeitzei
Parshat Toldot
Parshat Chayei Sara
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