Premier Issue!
The Month of Tishrei
Tishrei 5756 / September - October 1995
Welcome to SEASONS OF THE MOON - A new monthly newsletter that shows you
the Jewish year through its "seasons of the moon". Each month, we hope to
bring you a distinctive picture of what's happening in that Jewish month.
Write and tell us about yourself!
Best wishes for a wonderful year. May you be sealed in the Book of Life for
a year of good life and peace!
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair
This Month's Sign: MOZNAIM / LIBRA

In Hebrew, the sign of Libra is called Moznaim (lit. balances). It's not
difficult to see the connection between the symbol of the balances and the
month of Tishrei, for the first day of Tishrei is Rosh Hashana - a day when
the future of the world and all its inhabitants literally hangs in the
balance. The Rambam (Maimonides) writes that a person should see himself,
and the whole world, as being on a knife edge, precisely and exquisitely
balanced - half meritorious and half culpable. If he does one sin, he tips
the balance of his own life and that of the whole world to the negative
side. However, with just one mitzvah, he can alter the balance of his own
life and that of the whole world to the side of blessing and life!
Why are the Jewish People Like the Moon...?
The festival of the New Moon - Rosh Chodesh (lit. the head of the month) -
is a unique festival in the Jewish calendar. Do you know what was the very
first mitzvah that was given to the Jewish People? - The sanctification of
the new moon. Since this was the first mitzvah, necessarily it must
define something fundamental about the Jewish People, for just as a single
chromosome sets the stage for the whole edifice called Man, so the
sanctification of the moon must have an elemental place in the edifice of
the Jewish People. What is the connection between the Jewish People and
the moon? It was Mark Twain that pointed out, "the Egyptian, the
Babylonian, and the Persian filled the planet with sound and splendor then
faded to dream-stuff and passed away...other peoples have sprung up and
held their torch high for a time, but it burned out and they sit in
twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all and is
now what he always was..."(from Mark Twain Concerning the Jews - Harper's
Magazine) All the other great nations of the world are like the sun: They
shine very brightly, seemingly immortal, but inevitably they explode like a
super-nova, or fade into cosmic dust and are heard of no more. All
nations, that is, except the Jews, who are like the moon, for just at the
moment when all is completely dark, when they seem to have vanished
forever, either through holocaust or assimilation, at that very moment,
the People of Israel are being re-born...like the moon.
On the Origin of the Names of the Hebrew Months...
When we came out of Egypt.
Our months had no names.
We counted them. One by One.
This is the third month from
When we came out of Egypt...
When we came out of Egypt.
When/Ever we remembered
The Numbers of our months,
The memory of the Great Miracle
Welled up in our hearts -
Of our redemption.
From the House of Slaves...
When we came out of Babylon.
We called Nissan and Iyar
The Names of our months.
Persian names.
Made in Babylon.
The Names of our months
To remember our second redemption.
Just as,
through the Numbers,
we had remembered
the first...
- This Month's Sign - Rambam, Laws of Repentence;
- Why are The Jewish People like the moon...? - Sfas Emes, Exodus 12:2;
- On The Origin of the Names of the Hebrew Months - Ramban, Exodus 12:2;
This publication is available via E-Mail subscription.
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Seasons of the Moon is written by Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair
and edited by Rabbi Moshe Newman.
Designed by Y.A. Sinclair and Kevin Berman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
© 1995 Ohr Somayach International - All rights reserved.
This publication may be distributed to another person intact without prior
permission. We also encourage you to include this material in other
publications, such as synagogue newsletters. However, we ask that you
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