Parsha Q&A - Parshat Tzav
Parshat Tzav
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Parsha Questions
- What separated the kohen's skin from the priestly garments?
- How often were the ashes removed from upon the mizbe'ach? How often were they removed from next to the mizbe'ach?
- If someone extinguishes the fire on the mizbe'ach, how many Torah violations has he transgressed?
- The portion of a flour-offering offered on the mizbe'ach may not be chametz. But is the kohen's portion allowed to be chametz?
- When a kohen is inaugurated, what offering must he bring?
- What three baking processes were used to prepare the korban of Aharon and his sons?
- What is the difference between a minchat kohen and a minchat Yisrael?
- When is a kohen disqualified from eating from a chatat?
- What is the difference between a copper and earthenware vessel regarding removing absorbed tastes?
- Can an animal dedicated as an asham be replaced with another animal?
- How does an asham differ from all other korbanot?
- Unlike all other korbanot, what part of the ram or sheep may be placed on the mizbe'ach?
- What three types of kohanim may not eat from the asham?
- In which four instances is a korban todah brought?
- Until when may a todah be eaten according to the Torah? Until when according to Rabbinic decree?
- How does a korban become pigul?
- Who may eat from a shelamim?
- What miracle happened at the entrance of the Ohel Moed?
- Other than Yom Kippur, what other service requires that the kohen separate from his family?
- What are the 5 categories of korbanot listed in this Parsha?
I Did Not Know That!
"Their portion shall not be baked as chametz..." (6:10)
By eating the flour offering, the kohen brings atonement to the owner of the offering. Therefore, the kohen's portion requires the same restrictions as the portion brought upon the altar itself; i.e., it may not be chametz.
Answers to this Week's Questions
Questions | ContentsAll references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- What separated the kohen's skin from the priestly garments?
6:3 - Nothing. - How often were the ashes removed from upon the mizbe'ach? How often were they removed from next to the mizbe'ach?
6:4 - A) Every day. B) Whenever there were a lot. - If someone extinguishes the fire on the mizbe'ach, how many Torah violations has he transgressed?
6:6 - Two. - The portion of a flour-offering offered on the mizbe'ach may not be chametz. But is the kohen's portion allowed to be chametz?
6:10 - No. - When a kohen is inaugurated, what offering must he bring?
6:13 - A korban minchah A tenth part of an ephah of flour. - What three baking processes were used to prepare the korban of Aharon and his sons?
6:14 - Boiling, baking in an oven and frying in a pan. - What is the difference between a minchat kohen and a minchat Yisrael?
6:15 - The minchat kohen is burnt completely. Only a handful of the minchat Yisrael is burnt, and the remainder is eaten by the kohanim. - When is a kohen disqualified from eating from a chatat?
6:19 - If he is tamei (spiritually impure) at the time of the sprinkling of the blood. - What is the difference between a copper and earthenware vessel regarding removing absorbed tastes?
6:21 - One can remove an absorbed taste from a copper vessel by scouring and rinsing, whereas such a taste can never be removed from an earthenware vessel. - Can an animal dedicated as an asham be replaced with another animal?
7:1 - No. - How does an asham differ from all other korbanot?
7:3 - It can only be brought from a ram or sheep. - Unlike all other korbanot, what part of the ram or sheep may be placed on the mizbe'ach?
7:3 - The tail. - What three types of kohanim may not eat from the asham?
7:7 - A t'vul yom (a tamei kohen who immersed in a mikveh yet awaits sunset to become tahor); A mechusar kipurim (a tamei person who has gone to the mikveh but has yet to bring his required offering); An onan (a mourner prior to the burial of the deceased). - In which four instances is a korban todah brought?
7:12 - Upon safe arrival from an ocean voyage; Upon safe arrival from a desert journey; Upon being freed from prison; Upon recovering from illness. - Until when may a todah be eaten according to the Torah? Until when according to Rabbinic decree?
7:15 - A) Until the next morning. B) Only until midnight. - How does a korban become pigul?
7:18 - The person slaughters the animal with the intention that it be eaten after the prescribed time. - Who may eat from a shelamim?
7:19 - Any uncontaminated person (and not only the owner). - What miracle happened at the entrance of the Ohel Moed?
8:3 - The entire nation was able to fit in this very small area. - Other than Yom Kippur, what other service requires that the kohen separate from his family?
8:34 - The burning of the parah adumah (red heifer). - What are the 5 categories of korbanot listed in this Parsha?
Olah (6:2); minchah (6:7); chatat (6:18); asham (7:1); shelamim (7:11).
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane &
Rabbi Reuven Subar
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Michael Treblow
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