Parsha Q&A - Tazria / Metzora
Parshas Tazria / Metzora
24-25 April 1998 in Israel and 1-2 May outside of Israel
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Parsha Questions
- "Any holy thing she shall not touch." (12:4) In this context, what does "touch" mean?
- After a woman gives birth she is required to offer two types of korbanos. What are they?
- Who determines whether an affliction of tzara'as is impure or pure?
- How many hairs in a suspected area must turn white before the kohen can declare a person tamei?
- What disqualifies a kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of tzara'as?
- In areas of the body where collections of hair grow (e.g., the head or beard), what color hair indicates tumah?
- What is the name for tzara'as of the scalp or beard area?
- What signs of mourning must a metzora display?
- Why must a metzora call out, "Tamei! Tamei!"?
- Why is a metzora commanded to dwell in isolation?
- When may a metzora not be pronounced tahor?
- In the midbar, where did a metzora dwell while he was tamei?
- Why does a metzora require birds in the purification process?
- In the purification process of a metzora, what does the cedar wood symbolize?
- When the metzora was presented "before Hashem" (14:11) in the Beis Hamikdash, where did he stand?
- Toward what direction does the kohen sprinkle the oil from the metzora's korban?
- How was having tzara'as in one's house sometimes advantageous?
- When a person enters a house that has tzara'as, when do his clothes become tamei?
- A zav sat or slept on the following: a) a bed; b) a plank; c) a chair; d) a rock. If a tahor person touches these things, what is his status?
- What does the Torah mean when it refers to a zav who "has not washed his hands" (15:11)?
![]() Answer Contents | "What’s Bothering Rashi?" |
"And the garment which was washed and
from which the affliction departed, it shall be washed again and
will be pure." (Vayikra 13:58)
Rashi: "It shall be washed again": This expression refers to immersion in a mikveh (ritual purification pool). The word "washed" appears twice in this verse. Why does Rashi insist that the second "washing" refers to immersion in a mikveh? What's wrong with explaining the second "washing" the same as the first one; simply that the garment is washed? What's bothering Rashi?
I Did Not Know That!
"If he is poor and his means are not sufficient... (14:21)
Regarding other sacrifices, there is a dispute among the Sages whether a rich man who brings a sacrifice prescribed for a poor man has, post-facto, fulfilled his obligation. All agree, however, regarding the sacrifice of a person afflicted with tzara'as that his obligation has not been fulfilled under such circumstances. The affliction of tzara'as comes as a punishment for miserliness. If a rich person brings the sacrifice that a poor man should bring, it shows that he is not yet cured of his affliction. He is still a miser! Therefore he has not fulfilled his obligation.
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Answers to this Week's Questions
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 12:4 - Eat.
- 12:6 - An olah and a chatas.
- 13:2 - A kohen.
- 13:3 - At least two.
- 13:12 - Poor vision.
- 13:29 - Golden.
- 13:30 - Nesek.
- 13:45 - He must tear his garments, let his hair grow and enshroud his face.
- 13:45 - So people will know to keep away from him.
- 13:46 - Since tzara'as is a punishment for lashon harah (evil speech) which creates a rift between people, the Torah punishes mida k'neged mida (measure for measure) by placing a division between him and others.
- 14:2 - At night.
- 14:3 - Outside the three camps.
- 14:4 - Tzara'as comes as a punishment for lashon harah. Therefore, the Torah requires the metzora to offer birds, who chatter constantly, to atone for his sin of chattering.
- 14:4 - The cedar is a lofty tree. It alludes to the fact that tzara'as comes as a punishment for haughtiness.
- 14:11 - At the gate of Nikanor.
- 14:16 - Westward, toward the Holy of Holies.
- 14:34 - The Amorites concealed treasures in the walls of their houses. After the conquest of the Land, tzara'as would afflict these houses. The Jewish owner would tear down the walls and find the treasures.
- 14:46 - When he remains in the house long enough to eat a small meal.
- 15:4,5 - Only a type of object that one usually lies or sits upon becomes a transmitter of tumah when a zav sits or lies upon it. A tahor person who subsequently touches the object becomes tamei and the garment he is wearing also becomes tamei. Therefore: a) tamei; b) tahor; c) tamei; d) tahor.
- 15:11 - One who has not immersed in a mikveh.
![]() Question Contents |
Answer to "What’s Bothering Rashi?"The verse has already stated that the garment was washed and the affliction has departed. What purpose could there be for a second washing? If laundering is part of the purification process, this has already been achieved by the first washing. Therefore, the second "washing" - if it is to make sense as part of the purification process - must refer to something other than mere laundering. Hence, it must refer to immersion in a mikveh, a ritual purification pool. |
Gur Aryeh (Concept based on Dr. Avigdor Bonchek's new book "What's Bothering Rashi?" Feldheim Publishers) |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane & Rabbi Reuven Subar
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Eli Ballon
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