Parsha Q&A - Re'eh
Parshas Re'eh
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Parsha Questions
- What were the sites designated for the "Blessings and the Curses" to be pronounced by the people?
- What was to be the sign for the Jewish People that they would inherit the Land?
- During the 14 year period of the conquest and division of the Land, what types of offerings were permitted to be offered on private bamos (altars)?
- When was the use of private bamos permitted?
- What must one do with consecrated animals that develop a blemish?
- In what ways does a consecrated animal that develops a blemish retain a degree of kedusha (holiness) even after it has been redeemed?
- Why was the tribe of Yehuda not permitted to conquer Jerusalem?
- Why were the Jewish People allowed to witness the extermination of the Canaanites?
- What forms of idol worship are punishable by death?
- A person performs miraculous deeds in the name of Hashem, and then states that the laws of the Torah have been revised. What is done to this person?
- The trial of a person who is accused of encouraging others to worship idols differs from the trial of other capital cases in what manner?
- Who has the primary responsibility of inflicting the punishment on one who tried to entice others to worship idols?
- What is the "source" of the Jewish People being an Am Kadosh, (Holy Nation)?
- How should the Jewish People maintain themselves as an Am Kadosh?
- Which animals are not included in the Torah prohibition of cooking meat together with milk?
- What is the order of priority with regard to whom one should give charity?
- Why is matzah called "the bread of affliction"?
- What mitzvah recalls the Exodus from Egypt?
- Which four individuals are under Hashem's "special protection"?
![]() Answer Contents |
In the beginning of Parshas Re'eh, Hashem tells the Jewish People, "See, I am placing before you a blessing and a curse. The blessing, asher (that) you guard the mitzvos...and a curse im (if) you do not guard the mitzvos..." (11:26-28).
Why did the Torah change its mode of expression from "that" to "if"?
I Did Not Know That!
When King Ptolmy commanded the elders to translate the Torah into Greek, Hashem put into their hearts to alter the translation. One example - the word arneves (rabbit) was changed to tze'iras hareglaim (short legged creature). King Ptolmy's wife was named Arneves, and it wasn't deemed wise to list the king's wife as one of the non-kosher animals.
Recommended Reading List
Answers to this Week's Questions
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- What were the sites designated for the "Blessings
and the Curses" to be pronounced by the people?
11:26 - Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Eval, respectively. - What was to be the sign for the Jewish People
that they would inherit the Land?
11:31 - The miracles that would occur while crossing the Jordan River. - During the 14 year period of the conquest
and division of the Land, what types of offerings were permitted
to be offered on private bamos (altars)?
12:8 - Vow Offerings or Free-Will Offerings. - When was the use of private bamos
12:11 - During the intermediate periods between one Mishkan and the next; for example, the time between Shilo and Nob. Once the Beis Hamikdash was built, private bamos were not permitted, even after its destruction. - What must one do with consecrated animals
that develop a blemish?
12:15 - They must be redeemed and may then be eaten. - In what ways does a consecrated animal that
develops a blemish retain a degree of kedusha
(holiness) even after it has been redeemed?
12:15 - Eating it is permitted, but use of its milk or fleece is forbidden. - Why was the tribe of Yehuda not permitted
to conquer Jerusalem?
12:17 - When Avraham bought ma'aras hamachpelah, he made a covenant of peace with the Hittites who sold it and his descendants honored this pact in regard to the Hittite descendants in Jerusalem. - Why were the Jewish People allowed to witness
the extermination of the Canaanites?
12:30 - To learn not to follow in their depraved ways. - What forms of idol worship are punishable
by death?
12:30 - Slaughtering or burning a sacrifice on an altar, pouring libations, prostrating oneself, and any service which is the normal manner of worshipping that idol. - A person performs miraculous deeds in the
name of Hashem, and then states that the laws of the Torah have
been revised. What is done to this person?
13:2-6 - He is put to death. - The trial of a person who is accused of encouraging
others to worship idols differs from the trial of other capital
cases in what manner?
13:10 - If he was acquitted and new information of a condemning nature arises, he is retried. If he was judged to be guilty, he is not returned to court to plead in his favor. - Who has the primary responsibility of inflicting
the punishment on one who tried to entice others to worship idols?
13:10 - The person who the guilty one attempted to entice. - What is the "source" of the Jewish
People being an Am Kadosh, (Holy Nation)?
14:2 - The kedusha is inherited from the Avos. - How should the Jewish People maintain themselves
as an Am Kadosh?
14:21 - By avoiding excesses even in areas that are permitted. - Which animals are not included in the Torah
prohibition of cooking meat together with milk?
14:21 - Wild animals, non-kosher animals and fowl. - What is the order of priority with regard
to whom one should give charity?
15:7 - The most needy, a brother from one's father, a brother from one's mother, the poor of one's city, the poor of another city. - Why is matzah called "the
bread of affliction"?
16:3 - It calls to mind the affliction that was suffered in Egypt. - What mitzvah recalls the
Exodus from Egypt?
16:3 - Eating the Korban Pesach and the matzah on the night of Pesach. - Which four individuals are under Hashem's
"special protection"?
16:10 - A Levi, convert, orphan, and widow.
![]() Question Contents |
The Torah teaches that Hashem is ready to grant the blessing immediately. He requires only that the people fulfill their "part of the deal" by upholding the Torah. The curse, on the other hand, He is not as ready to give. Only if the Jewish People violate the Torah will Hashem then "be forced" to activate the curse.
(Gur Aryeh)
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane & Rabbi Reuven Subar
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Eli Ballon
© 1998 Ohr Somayach International - All rights reserved. This publication may be distributed to another person intact without prior permission. We also encourage you to include this material in other publications, such as synagogue newsletters. However, we ask that you contact us beforehand for permission, and then send us a sample issue.
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