Parsha Q&A - Kedoshim
Parshas Kedoshim
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This publication is also available in the following formats:
Parsha Questions
- Why was Parshas Kedoshim said in front of all the Jewish People?
- Why does the Torah mention the duty to honor one's father before it mentions the duty to honor one's mother?
- Why is the command to fear one's parents followed by the command to keep Shabbos?
- Why does Shabbos observance supersede honoring parents?
- What is "leket?"
- In Shemos 20:13, the Torah commands "Do not steal." What does the Torah add when it commands in Vayikra 19:11 "Do not steal?"
- "Do not do wrong to your neighbor" (19:13). To what 'wrong' is the Torah referring?
- By when must you pay someone who worked for you during the day?
- How does Rashi explain the prohibition "Don't put a stumbling block before a sightless person?"
- In a monetary case involving a poor person and a rich person, a judge is likely to wrongly favor the poor person. What rationale does Rashi give for this?
- When rebuking someone, what sin must one be careful to avoid?
- It's forbidden to bear a grudge. What example does Rashi give of this?
- The Torah forbids tattooing. How is a tattoo made?
- How does one fulfill the mitzvah of "hadarta p'nei zaken?"
- What punishment will never come to the entire Jewish People?
- What penalty does the Torah state for cursing one's parents?
- When the Torah states a death penalty but doesn't define it precisely, to which penalty is it referring?
- What will result if the Jewish People ignore the laws of forbidden relationships?
- Which of the forbidden relationships listed in this week's Parsha were practiced by the Canaanites?
- Is it proper for a Jew to say "I would enjoy eating ham?"
![]() Answer Contents |
I Did Not Know That!
Any love not accompanied by rebuke is not true love.
Bereshis Rabbah
Recommended Reading List
Answers to this Week's Questions
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 19:2 - Because the fundamental teachings of the Torah are contained in this Parsha.
- 19:3 - Since it is more natural to honor one's mother, the Torah stresses the obligation to honor one's father.
- 19:3 - To teach that one must not violate Torah law even at the command of one's parents.
- 19:3 - Because the parents are also commanded by Hashem to observe Shabbos. Parents deserve great honor, but not at the 'expense' of Hashem's honor.
- 19:9 - "Leket" is one or two stalks of grain that are accidentally dropped while harvesting. They must be left for the poor.
- 19:11 - The Torah in Vayikra prohibits monetary theft. In Shemos it prohibits kidnapping.
- 19:13 - Withholding wages from a worker.
- 19:13 - Before the following dawn.
- 19:13 - Don't give improper advice to a person who is unaware in a matter. For example, don't advise someone to sell his field, when in reality you yourself wish to buy it.
- 19:15 - The judge might think: "This rich person is obligated to give charity to this poor person regardless of the outcome of this court case. Therefore, I'll rule in favor of the poor person. That way, he'll receive the financial support he needs without feeling bad about taking charity.
- 19:17 - Causing public embarrassment.
- 19:18 - Person A asks person B: "Can I borrow your shovel?" Person B says: "No." The next day, B says to A: "Can I borrow your scythe?" A replies: "Sure, I'm not stingy like you are."
- 19:28 - Ink is injected into the skin with a needle.
- 19:32 - By not sitting in the seat of elderly people, and by not contradicting their statements.
- 20:3 - "Kares" - the entire Jewish People will never be "cut off."
- 20:9 - Death by stoning.
- 20:10 - Chenek (strangulation).
- 20:22 - The land of Israel will 'spit them out.'
- 20:23 - All of them.
- 20:26 - Yes.
![]() Question Contents |
The festivals, such as Pesach and Shavuos are also called 'Shabbos,'
because they are days when we refrain from creative actions.
"Shabboses" is plural because it refers to both
the seventh day and to the festivals. Tractate Shavuos |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane & Rabbi Reuven Subar
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
HTML Assistance: Simon Shamoun
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