Parsha Q&A - Terumah
Parshas Terumah
This publication is also available in the following formats:
Parsha Questions
- How many times does the word 'terumah' appear in the first verse of the parsha? Why?
- Onkelos translates 'tachash' as 'sasgona.' Why?
- What kind of trees did Yaakov plant in Mitzrayim?
- Describe two uses of: a) oil; b) spices; c) jewels.
- The Aron was made with three boxes, one inside the other. How tall was the outer box exactly?
- What does the crown on top of the Aron symbolize?
- Why is the Torah referred to as "testimony"?
- What did the faces of the keruvim resemble?
- What does the crown on top of the shulchan symbolize?
- On what day of the week was the lechem hapanim baked?
- What does miksha mean?
- What was the purpose of the menorah's gevi'im (cups)?
- In which direction did the flames of the menorah cast their light?
- How did Moshe know the shape of the menorah?
- What designs were embroidered into the tapestries of the mishkan?
- How long was the mishkan?
- How wide was the interior of the mishkan?
- How high was the copper mizbe'ach?
- What were the dimensions of the courtyard of the mishkan?
- How function did the copper yeseidos serve?
![]() Answer Contents |
Why did the Torah say 'take' terumah and not 'give' terumah? |
I Did Not Know That!
The Aron represents Torah. Its fractional dimensions hint that we delve only a fraction into the Torah's limitless depth, and that our spiritual efforts are never done. The table represents worldly success. Its whole dimensions hint that we should feel 'whole' and content with our physical possessions.
Kli Yakar (25:10)
Recommended Reading List
Answers to this Week's Questions
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 25:2 - It appears three times, alluding to three different types of terumah offered.
- 25:5 - The tachash delights (sas) in its multi-colors (govanim).
- 25:5 - Arazim - cedars.
- 25:6-7 - a) The oil was lit in the menorah and used for anointing. b) The spices were used in the anointing oil and for the incense. c) The precious stones were for the ephod and the choshen.
- 25:11 - The outer box was one and a half amos plus a tefach plus a little bit, because it rose a little bit above the kapores. [The kapores was a tefach thick (see 25:17).]
- 25:11 - It symbolizes the crown of Torah.
- 25:16 - It testifies that Hashem commanded us to keep the mitzvos.
- 25:18 - The faces of children.
- 25:24 - It symbolizes the crown of royalty.
- 25:29 - Friday.
- 25:31 - Hammered.
- 25:31 - Purely ornamental.
- 25:37 - Towards the middle flame.
- 25:40 - Hashem showed Moshe a menorah of fire.
- 26:1 - On one side a lion; on the other side an eagle.
- 26:16 - 30 amos.
- 26:23 - 10 amos.
- 27:1 - There are two opinions. Rabbi Yehuda says it was three amos high. Rabbi Yossi says it was 10 amos high.
- 27:18 - 100 amos by 50 amos.
- 27:19 - They secured the curtains against the wind.
![]() Question Contents |
If the Torah had said 'give' terumah, each individual would
have been duty-bound to give. But for the mishkan Hashem
wanted only heartfelt donations, not dutiful ones. Therefore,
the Torah commanded that collectors be appointed to 'take' terumah
only from willing donors. No one, however, was required to
Malbim |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane & Rabbi Reuven Subar
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
HTML Assistant: Simon Shamoun
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