Parsha Q&A - Eikev
Parshas Eikev
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Parsha Questions
- What must the Jewish People do to ensure that Hashem will fulfill His promise to do good for us?
- What were the: a) 'wonders'; b) 'strong hand'; c) 'outstretched arm' - that the Jewish People witnessed in Egypt?
- When a mitzvah is performed by a group of people whose name is attached to it?
- How did the Jewish People do their laundry while in the Midbar?
- How did the Jewish People obtain clothing for their growing children while they lived in the Midbar?
- How many days did Moshe spend on Mt. Sinai altogether?
- On what day did Moshe come down from Mt. Sinai having received complete forgiveness for the Jewish People?
- Hashem was angry at Aaron because of his role in the sin of the golden calf. How was Aaron punished?
- Who made the Aron in which Moshe placed the second set of Luchos when he came down from Mt. Sinai? What special function did it later serve?
- Which sin committed by the Jewish People was prompted by the death of Aaron?
- Why were the Levi'im selected by Hashem from among the Jewish People?
- Why do the Levi'im have no portion in the land?
- All aspects of man's life are In Hashem's 'hands' except one. What is this?
- What is the "added benefit" of observing the mitzvos?
- What is meant by circumcising one's heart?
- What are the sources of water for the fields of Egypt and Eretz Yisrael?
- What path does the Torah prescribe for gaining new knowledge?
- Which activity is 'serving Hashem with the heart'?
- When the Jewish People sin, why are they considered worse than the generation of the flood?
- How does one 'cleave to Hashem'?
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In verses 7:25-26, Hashem commands the Jewish People to destroy
the idols of the Canaanites. The Torah commands immediately after
this to observe all of the commandments (8:1). Why this juxtaposition?
I Did Not Know That!
A certain man leading the prayers said, "The great Gd, the Mighty, the Awesome, the Powerful, the Valiant..." Rabbi Chanina said to him, "Have you exhausted the praises of Hashem? Even the three praises that we say, if they were not written by Moshe in the Torah and established in our prayer service by the Anshei Knesses Hagdola, then these too we would not be permitted to voice."
Recommended Reading List
Answers to this Week's Questions
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 7:12 - Guard even the 'light' commandments.
- 7:19 - The: a) Plagues; b) Pestilence; c) Slaying of the firstborn.
- 8:1 - The person who finishes it.
- 8:4 - The Ananei Kavod (Clouds of Glory) would clean and bleach their clothing.
- 8:4 - As their children grew, their clothing grew with them.
- 9:18 - 120 days.
- 9:18 - The tenth of Tishrei, Yom Kippur.
- 9:20 - His two sons died.
- 10:1 - Moshe made the Aron while he was on Mt. Sinai. This became the Aron that would accompany the Jewish People into battle.
- 10:6-7 - When Aaron died the Ananei Kavod disappeared. The Jewish People fearing war with the King of Arad appointed a leader and retreated toward Egypt eight stations. The Levi'im fought with them and forced them to return.
- 10:8 - Because they did not participate in the sin of the golden calf.
- 10:9 - They were chosen to serve for the service of the Mizbeach (altar) and thus were not free to work the land.
- 10:12 - Fear of Heaven is dependent upon the person.
- 10:13 - There is reward.
- 10:16 - To remove those things that block the words of Torah from entering.
- 11:10 - Egypt is irrigated by manually carrying water up from the Nile. Eretz Yisrael is supplied by rainwater requiring no work on the part of its inhabitants.
- 11:13 - By repeatedly reviewing what one knows, one more easily acquires new knowledge.
- 11:13 - Prayer.
- 11:17 - Because the generation of the flood had no one from whom to learn.
- 11:22 - Attaching oneself to Torah scholars.
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The purpose of idol worship was to obtain success in three areas; long life, children, and money. The Torah promises that one will receive everything via fulfillment of the mitzvos. "That you may live" - the Torah is promising long life in this world; "And multiply" - i.e., many children; "And come to possess" - attainment of riches through inheritance of the Land.
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane & Rabbi Reuven Subar
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Eli Ballon
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