Parsha Q&A - Vayikra
Parshas Vayikra
For the week ending 3 Nissan 5756; 22 & 23 March 1996
Parsha Questions
Answers | Contents- Why did Hashem "call" to Moshe as an introduction to a new communication?
- May a non-Kohen assist in bringing an animal Korban?
- The Kohanim were commanded to bring fire on the Mizbe'ach. From where else did the fire come?
- At what stage of their development are turim (turtledoves) and bnei yona (young pigeons) unfit as Korbanos?
- How does the Kohen slaughter a bird offering?
- Why does the Torah use the term "nefesh" (soul) in connection with the bringing of a Minchah (meal) "free-will offering"?
- When a person vows to offer a Minchah, what must he bring?
- How much of the free-will Minchah offering is burned on the Mizbe'ach?
- May a non-Kohen assist in a Minchah offering?
- When does the Torah permit the bringing of leavened bread as an offering?
- What kind of grain comprised the meal offering of the Omer (first offering of the new grain-crop)?
- Why is the peace offering called a "Shlamim"?
- For most Korbanos, the Kohen may use a service vessel to apply the blood on the Mizbe'ach. For which Korban may he apply the blood only with his finger?
- Who is obligated to bring a Chatass (sin offering)?
- The Torah says that if the entire congregation of Israel errs and a sin results, then an offering has to be brought. Who is the "entire congregation of Israel"?
- For which sins is one obligated to bring a Korban Oleh V'yored?
- How does a flour sin-offering differ from a Minchah offering?
- What is the minimum value of a Korban Asham?
- When a person misuses holy property, how much must he pay to reimburse the Temple treasury?
- Who is required to bring a Korban Asham?
![]() Answer Contents | The only Name of Hashem that is used throughout the Torah in connection with animal sacrifices is the 4 letter Name - the Name representing His attribute of Mercy. Why is only this Name used? |
I Did Not Know That!
Offerings have to be brought without any blemishes. The unblemished state of an offering symbolizes that when a Jew seeks to come closer to Hashem, he should do so with all of his faculties, with nothing omitted.
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 1:9
- Reason for Korbanos
- 1:10
- Bulls and Goats
- 1:14
- Birds
- 2:2
- Role of the Kohen
- 2:11
- The Problem of Leaven
- 2:14
- Why "If"?
- Sefer Hachinuch
- 95
- Concept of Korbanos
- 117
- Symbolism of Leaven and Honey
- 119
- Salt
- 123
- Korban Oleh V'yored
- 125
- A Sinner's Offering
- 127
- The Sin of Carelessness
- Sforno
- 1:4
- Symbolism of the Korbanos
Answers to this Week's Questions
Questions | ContentsAll references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 1:1 - As a sign of affection.
- 1:5 - A non-Kohen may assist in the avoda until "receiving the blood". From then on, the avoda is the exclusive duty of the Kohanim.
- 1:7 - The fire also descended from heaven.
- 1:14 - When their plumage becomes a golden color. At that stage the bnei yona are too old and the turim are still too young.
- 1:15 - Through the process of "melika." With his fingernail the Kohen cuts the nape of the neck.
- 2:1 - This Minchah is usually brought by the poor. Hashem values it as if the person has offered his entire soul (nefesh).
- 2:1,2:2 - Fine wheat flour mixed with oil on which frankincense is added.
- 2:1 - A "kometz" (fistful) of the fine flour and oil mixture and all the frankincense.
- 2:2 - A non-Kohen may mix the Minchah until the taking of a "kometz" (fistful). From then on, the avoda is the exclusive duty of the Kohanim.
- 2:12 - On Shavous.
- 2:14 - Barley.
- 3:1 - Two reasons: a) It brings "shalom" (peace) to the world. b) It also creates peace between the Mizbe'ach, the Kohen, and the owner of the Korban since each receives a share.
- 3:8 - The "Chatass".
- 4:2 - A person who transgressed a negative commandment must bring a Korban Chatass. This only applies to negative commandments whose intentional violation is punished with Kares.
- 4:13 - The Sanhedrin.
- 5:1-4 - a) One who refrains from giving evidence when implored by oath; b) One who enters the Beis Hamikdash or eats Kodesh food after unknowingly contracting "tuma" (spiritual impurity) by touching certain "tamei" (spiritually impure) things; c) One who unknowingly violates his oath.
- 5:11 - The flour sin-offering has no oil or frankincense.
- 5:15 - Two shekels.
- 5:16 - The value of the article plus one fifth more.
- 5:17 - A person who is in doubt whether he unintentionally transgressed a negative commandment must bring a Korban Asham. This only applies to negative commandments whose intentional violation is punished with Kares.
![]() Question Contents | Ancient idolaters believed that animal sacrifices were a means to appease a judgmental and vengeful god. The Torah teaches us
that sacrifices are a means to draw closer to a Merciful God. |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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