Parsha Q&A - Shmos
Parshas Shmos
For the week ending 21 Teves 5756; 12 & 13 January 1996
Parsha Questions
Answers | Contents- Verse 1:8 tells us that a new king came into power. Who was this new king?
- According to Rashi, why were the Egyptians afraid of the Jewish People?
- Who was Shifrah? Who was Puah?
- Why did Pharaoh decree death upon only male newborns?
- How did Hashem reward the midwives?
- How old was Moshe's mother when he was born?
- How did Moshe's mother know that he was "good"?
- Moshe killed an Egyptian who was striking a Hebrew man. Who was the Hebrew man's wife?
- Who were the two Hebrew men who were fighting with each other?
- How did Pharaoh find out that Moshe killed an Egyptian?
- Why did the Midianites drive away Yisro's daughters from the well?
- How did Yisro know that Moshe was a descendent of Yaakov?
- What lesson was Moshe to learn from the fact that the burning bush was not consumed?
- What great merit did the Jewish People have that warranted Hashem's promise that He would take them out of Egypt?
- Why did Hashem turn the rod that Moshe threw to the ground into a snake as opposed to something else?
- How long did Hashem try to persuade Moshe to go to redeem the Jewish People?
- Why was Moshe reluctant to assume the role of leader of the Jewish people?
- What were the specific roles of Moshe and Aaron?
- Who were the: a) nogsim; b) shotrim?
- Why were the shotrim beaten?
![]() Answer Contents | Why was the tribe of Levi not subjected to the hard physical labor that was the lot of all the other tribes? |
I Did Not Know That!
Originally Pharaoh wanted Bnei Yisrael to work seven days a week.
Moshe convinced him that Bnei Yisrael would be more productive
if they had a rest day during the week. Pharaoh agreed and offered
them to choose the day. They chose Shabbos, even though they
were not yet given the mitzvah of Shabbos.
Da'as Zekeinim
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 1:10
- Politics of Genocide
- 2:2
- Certainty of Moshe's Rescue
- 3:5
- The Burning Bush
- 3:8
- Qualities of Eretz Yisrael
- 3:12
- Moshe's Concerns
- 3:18
- The Code Word for Redemption
- 4:10
- Moshe's Speech Impediment
- 4:13
- Moshe's Humility
- 4:19
- Moshe's Family as Proof
- Sforno
- 2:10
- Moshe's Name
- 2:11,13,17
- Reactions to Injustice
- Kli Yakar
- 2:2
- Light and Three Months
- 2:7
- Prophecy of Miriam
- 2:13
- Striking Words
Answers to this Week's Questions
Questions | ContentsAll references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 1:8 - One opinion is that he was a new king. Another opinion is that he was the same king, who renewed evil decrees.
- 1:10 - The Egyptians were afraid that the Jewish People would drive them out of Egypt.
- 1:15 - Shifrah was Yocheved. Puah was Miriam.
- 1:16 - He knew through astrology that a boy would be born who would redeem the Jewish People.
- 1:21 -Their descendants received the gift of establishing the lineage of Kohanim, Levi'im and Kings.
- 2:1 - 130.
- 2:2 - When he was born the house was filled with light.
- 2:11 - Shelomis bas Divri.
- 2:13 - Dasan and Aviram.
- 2:15 - Dasan and Aviram informed him.
- 2:17 - Because a ban had been placed upon Yisro for abandoning idol worship.
- 2:20 - Because the water of the well rose up to Moshe.
- 3:12 - Just as the bush was not consumed, so too Moshe would be protected by Hashem if he did as Hashem requested.
- 3:12 - The great merit that they were destined to receive the Torah.
- 4:3 - To hint to him that he slandered the Bnei Yisrael by saying they would not listen to him.
- 4: 10 - 7 days.
- 4:10 - He did not want to take a position that would be superior to that of his elder brother, Aaron.
- 4:16 - Aaron was the speaker and Moshe guided him in what to say.
- 5:6 - a) the Egyptian taskmasters; b) the Jewish officers.
- 5:14 - They refused to pressure the Jewish People to work harder.
![]() Question Contents | When the Bnei Yisrael were first subjugated to hard labor,
the Levi'im told the Egyptians that they, the Levi'im, were incompetent
workers. This made the Levi'im undesirable for work in the eyes
of the Egyptians. |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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