Parsha Q&A - Bo
Parshas Bo
For the week ending 6 Shevat 5756; 26 & 27 January 1996
Parsha Questions
Answers | Contents- According to Rashi, why did Pharaoh refuse to allow the children of the Jewish People to go into the desert?
- How did the plague of arbeh (locusts) brought by Moshe differ from the plague brought in the days of Yoel?
- How did the first three days of the plague of darkness differ from the second three days?
- During the plague of darkness, what happened to the Jews who were wicked?
- Where was Moshe when he received the prophecy regarding Makas Bechoros (the plague of the first born)?
- Makas Bechoros took place exactly at midnight. Why did Moshe tell Pharaoh that it would take place "about midnight" (11:4)?
- Why did the first born of the slaves die?
- Why did the first born of the animals die?
- Why did Hashem give the first mitzvah (Rosh Chodesh) to Aaron, and not only to Moshe?
- Up to what age is an animal fit to be a Korban Pesach?
- Prior to the exodus from Egypt, what two mitzvos involving blood did Hashem give to the Jewish People?
- Which parts of the Korban Pesach were the Jewish People forbidden to eat?
- Where did the Jewish People place the blood from the Korban Pesach?
- Who among the first born of Egypt survived Makas Bechoros?
- Why did Pharaoh ask Moshe to bless him?
- Why did the Jewish People carry their matzos on their shoulders rather than have their animals carry them?
- Who comprised the erev rav ("mixed multitude")?
- What three historical events occurred on the 15th of Nissan, prior to the event of the Exodus from Egypt?
- What is the source of the "milk and honey" found in Eretz Yisrael?
- The only tamei (non-Kosher) animal whose first-born is redeemed is the donkey. Why were the donkeys favored?
![]() Answer Contents | The verse says about the plague of Arbeh (locusts) "...and your houses, and your servants' houses, and all the houses of Egypt" will be filled with Arbeh. Surely, Pharaoh's house was surrounded by his servants' houses, which were surrounded by the Egyptian people's houses, and the Arbeh should have entered the homes from outermost ones first and then move on to the inner ones. So, why does the verse state that the Arbeh entered in the opposite order? |
I Did Not Know That!
The mitzvah of Kiddush HaChodesh (declaring the
new month when the new moon was witnessed) was not fulfilled for
40 years after the first time. Moshe and Aaron were first told
to fulfill this mitzvah on Rosh Chodesh Nisan.
But for the next 40 years the months were calculated (according
to a calendar) because the Bnei Yisrael couldn't see the
sky due to the protective sky-cover that the Ananei Hakavod
- the Clouds of Glory - provided them.
Rabbeinu Chananel
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 10:14
- Locusts and Crocodiles
- 10:23
- A Different Darkness
- 12:2
- Jewish Months
- 12:3
- Symbolism of the Korban Pesach
- 12:31,51
- Timetable of the Exodus
- 13:5
- Five and Two - Seven Canaanite Nations
- Sefer Hachinuch
- 7,16
- Eating Like Kings
- 18
- Recognizing Hashem's Gifts
- 21
- The Significance of the Exodus
Answers to this Week's Questions
Questions | ContentsAll references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 10:11 - He felt that since children don't bring sacrifices, there was no need for them to go.
- 10:14 - The plague brought by Moshe was comprised of one species of locust, whereas the plague in the days of Yoel was comprised of many species.
- 10:22 - During the first three days, the Egyptians were unable to see. During the second three days they were unable to move as well.
- 10:22 - They died.
- 11:4 - In front of Pharaoh.
- 11:4 - Moshe was afraid that Pharaoh's astrologers would miscalculate the time. Therefore, if he said the plague would begin exactly at midnight, they might make a mistake and accuse Moshe of lying.
- 11:5 - Because they also subjugated the Jewish People and rejoiced in their suffering.
- 11:5 - Because the Egyptians worshipped them as gods and when Hashem punishes a nation He also punishes its gods.
- 12:1 - As a reward for toiling together with Moshe in bringing about the plagues.
- 12:5 - One year.
- 12:6 - Circumcision and Korban Pesach.
- 12:8 - The bones and the sinews.
- 12:13 - On the inner side of the door-post of their houses.
- 12:29 - Pharaoh.
- 12:32 - In order that he would not die in the plague.
- 12:34 - Because the commandment of matzah was dear to them.
- 12:38 - People from other nations who became converts.
- 12:41 - The angels came to promise that Sarah would have a son, Yitzchak was born, and the exile of the "covenant between parts" was decreed.
- 13:5 - The milk is from goats and the honey is from dates and figs.
- 13:13 - They assisted the Jewish People during the exile.
![]() Question Contents | The source and cause for the evil decrees was Pharaoh. From
him, the decrees were carried out by his servants and, in turn,
by all of the Egyptians. There was a miracle in the order
in which the Arbeh entered their houses. It first entered Pharaoh's
houses, then the houses of his servants, and then the houses of
all Egyptians - since this was the order in which they sinned.
(This idea may also explain the verse (10:14) that "...there
never was such Arbeh and there never will be" - i.e., in
this miraculous order.) |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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