Parsha Q&A - Shoftim
Parshas Shoftim
For the week ending 2 Elul 5756; 16 & 17 August 1996
Parsha Questions
- What is the role of Shoftim? What is the role of Shotrim?
- May a judge accept a bribe, if only for the purpose of judging fairly?
- What is the source for the concept 'Seek out a good Beis Din'?
- Even though the Avos were permitted to use matzeivos, the Torah later forbade them. Why?
- "You will come to ... the judge who will be in those days (17:9)." Since it's impossible to go to a judge who lives at a different time, why does the Torah add these extra words?
- How many horses may a Jewish king own?
- How many Torah scrolls must he have?
- How was Shaul Hamelech punished for disobeying a 'minor' command of the prophet Shmuel?
- What is meant by 'Nachalas Chamisha' and 'Nachalas Shiva'?
- Certain kosher animals are not included in the din of chazeh, shok, and keiva? Which ones?
- How many sheep must be shorn before the owner must give a portion of the shearings to a Kohen?
- Which three categories of false prophets are executed?
- What does it mean to 'prepare the way' to the cities of refuge?
- How many witnesses are meant when the Torah uses the word 'witness'?
- 'Through the mouth of two witnesses....' What types of testimony does this verse invalidate?
- If witnesses in a capital case are proven to be 'zomemim' (false-conspirators) before their 'victim' is executed, how are they punished?
- Why does the section about going to war follow the laws governing witnesses?
- The Jewish army is warned of four 'scare-tactics' the enemy might employ. What are they?
- When a murder victim is found in a field, who determines which city is closest?
- What happens to the murderer if he is found after the calf has had its neck broken?
![]() Answer Contents | "In order that he live long in his kingship... (18:20)" Why does the king need a special promise of long life? |
I Did Not Know That!
"Who is the man who built a new house...planted a vineyard...betrothed a woman...? He should go return home lest he die in battle...."(20:5-7)
(Mishna Sota 8:7, Sforno)
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 16:21
- Trees
- 17:11
- Obedience
- 17:15
- Kingship
- 17:20
- Conceit
- 18:15-16
- Prophecy
- 19:8
- Our Borders
- 19:13
- Self Defense
- 20:8
- The Torah Army
- Sforno
- 16:21
- Beautiful But Bad
- 17:3
- The Sun And the Moon
- 18:14
- Above the Stars
- Sefer Hachinuch
- 491
- Securing Justice
- 496
- Antidote to Anarchy
- 498
- Qualities of Leadership
- 503
- Safeguarding the King
- 510
- The Occult
- 516
- True Prophecy
- 517
- False Prophecy
- 526
- Strengthening the Army
- 527
- Humane War
Answers to this Week's Questions
- 16:18 - Shoftim are judges who pronounce judgment. Shotrim are officers who enforce it.
- 16:19 - No, because it will sway his judgment.
- 16:20 - "Tzedek tzedek tirdof...."
- 16:22 - Because the Canaanites used them for idolatry.
- 17:9 - To teach that although the judge of a particular generation may not be as eminent as those of previous generations, the Jewish People are still obligated to obey him.
- 17:16 - Only as many as he needs for his carriages.
- 17:18 - Two. One stays in his treasury and one he keeps with him.
- 17:20 - He lost his kingship.
- 18:2 - Nachalas Chamisha is the land of the first five tribes to claim their inheritance: Reuven, Gad, Menashe, Yehuda, and Ephraim. Nachalas Shiva is the land of the remaining tribes, who didn't inherit until after Joshua's death.
- 18:3 - Chayos (undomestic-type animals).
- 18:4 - Five.
- 18:20 - One who prophesies something he didn't hear, prophesies something that was told to another prophet, or prophecies in the name of an idol.
- 19:3 - To post signs saying 'Refuge' at the crossroads to point the way.
- 19:15 - Two, unless otherwise specified.
- 19:15 - 1)Written testimony sent to the court; 2)Testimony given through a translator.
- 19:19 - They are put to death.
- 20:1 - To teach that if the Jewish People execute judgment in a just fashion they will be victorious in war.
- 1) Clanging their shields 2) Making their horses stomp and whinny 3) Shouting 4) Blowing horns.
- 21:2 - The Sanhedrin.
- 21:9 - He is tried and, if guilty, executed.
![]() Question Contents | "Leadership positions bury those who occupy them (Pesachim 87)." Being in a position of leadership tends to shorten a person's life. It is for this reason as well that the blessing 'Yechi HaMelech!' - 'May the king live!'- is offered at the king's inauguration. |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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