Parsha Q&A - Vayigash
Parshas Vayigash
For the week ending 7 Teves 5756; 29 & 30 December1995
Parsha Questions
Answers | Contents- Why did Yehuda say that his missing brother was dead?
- Why did Yosef send everyone away before revealing himself to his brothers?
- After Yosef revealed himself to his brothers they appeared apprehensive. How did Yosef try to reassure them?
- Why did Yosef weep on Binyamin's neck?
- Where did Pharaoh offer to settle Yaakov and his family?
- Why did Yosef send old wine with his brothers for Yaakov?
- What was the last subject Yaakov taught to Yosef before Yosef was sold?
- What happened when Yaakov's "spirit was revived"?
- Why did Hashem tell Yaakov, "do not fear to go down to Egypt" (46:9)?
- Hashem told Yaakov that He would bring him out of Egypt (46:4). What did this allude to?
- What happened to the money that Yaakov had acquired in Padan Aram?
- How many granddaughters accompanied Yaakov into Egypt? Name them.
- Shaul ben Canaanis is listed as a son of Shimon. Who was his mother?
- Verse 46:15 states that Leah's descendants numbered 33. When counted in the verses they total 32. Why the difference?
- What did Yaakov do when Yosef appeared before him?
- Why were shepherds an abomination in the eyes of the Egyptians?
- What blessing did Yaakov give Pharaoh when he came before the king?
- What blessing did Yaakov give Pharaoh when he left the king's presence?
- How many years did the famine in Egypt last?
- Who were the kohanim whose fields were not bought by Yosef (47:22)?
![]() Answer Contents | When Yaakov came to Egypt people began to sow, and the famine ended. This was after only two years of famine. Yosef, however, had told his brothers (45:6) that for another five years there would be neither plowing nor harvest. Why was Yosef not regarded as a liar? |
I Did Not Know That!
Before descending to Egypt, Yaakov realized that the exile was
beginning for the Bnei Yisrael and he feared it. He offered
sacrifices so that Divine judgment should not be aimed against
them in exile.
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 44:19
- Yehuda's Diplomacy
- 45:16
- Egyptian Reaction to Yosef's Brothers
- 45:26
- Yaakov's Disbelief
- 45:27
- The Lifetime Secret
- 46:15
- Hidden Miracles
- 46:29
- Who Cried?
- 47:9
- Yaakov's Age
- 47:18
- The Seven Lean Years
- Sforno
- 45:16
- Pharaoh's Invitation
- 46:3
- The Advantage of Exile
- Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh
- 45:26
- Why Yosef Didn't Tell Yaakov
- 46:4
- The Shechina in Mitzrayim
Answers to this Week's Questions
Questions | ContentsAll references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 44:20 - Yehuda was afraid that if he said that his missing brother was alive, Yosef would demand that he be brought to Egypt.
- 45:1 - He didn't want his brothers to be shamed publicly.
- 45:12 - He pointed out to them that he was speaking Lashon Hakodesh.
- 45:14 - Yosef cried for the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, which would be located in Binyamin's territory.
- 45:17 - In Goshen.
- 45:23 - Old people enjoy old wine.
- 45:27 - The laws of the eglah arufa (the calf that has it's neck broken).
- 45:27 - The Shechina rested upon him again.
- 46:3 - Because Yaakov was grieved that he had to leave Eretz Canaan.
- 46:4 - That Yaakov would be buried in Eretz Canaan.
- 46:6 - He gave it to Esav in exchange for Esav's portion in the Cave of Machpelah.
- 46:7 - Two. Serach bas Asher and Yocheved bas Levi.
- 46:10 - Dina bas Yaakov.
- 46:15 - The 33 include Yocheved who is not mentioned in the verses.
- 46:29 - He recited the Shema.
- 46:34 - Because the Egyptians worshipped sheep.
- 47:7 - A blessing of peace.
- 47:10 - That the waters of the Nile should rise to greet Pharaoh when he approached the river.
- 47:19 - Two years.
- 47:22 - Egyptian priests.
![]() Question Contents | The people realized that the only reason the famine ended was because of Yaakov's arrival in Egypt. Had it not been for that,
the famine would have continued. |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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