Parsha Q&A - Naso
Parshas Naso
Outside of Israel, for the week ending 14 Sivan 5756; 31 May & June 1 1996
In Israel, for the week ending 7 Sivan 5756; 24 & 25 May 1996
In Israel, for the week ending 7 Sivan 5756; 24 & 25 May 1996
Parsha Questions
- The Levi'im were responsible for the transport of the Mishkan. What other service performed by them is mentioned in this Parsha?
- On which day did Moshe teach the command to send those who are tameim out of the camp?
- Name the three camps in the desert.
- Who was sent out of each of the camps?
- A person stole from another and swore that he was innocent. When he later confesses his guilt, what are his financial obligations?
- What member of the Jewish People has no heir?
- Who determines which Kohen gets the Matnos Kehuna (gifts that must be given to the Kohanim)?
- What does the Torah promise a person who gives the Kohen the Matnos Kehuna?
- In which four ways is the Minchah offering of the Sotah (a woman accused of adultery) different from other Minchah offerings?
- What does the Kohen do to the hair of a Sotah in order to disgrace her?
- When a Sotah who is guilty of adultery drinks the water, she dies in a very specific fashion. What happens to the adulterer?
- How does the nazir keep his body holy?
- What sin does a nazir commit against himself?
- What is the meaning of the blessing, "May Hashem bless you and guard you"?
- What is the meaning of the blessing, "May Hashem lift up His countenance upon you"?
- What was the role of the Nesi'im (Princes of the Tribes) in Egypt?
- Why did the Bnei Gershon receive only two wagons, while the Bnei Merari received four wagons?
- In what order did the Nesi'im offer their gifts during the dedication of the Mishkan?
- The Tribe of Yissachar was the second tribe to offer their gifts. Why did they merit this honorable position?
- From where did the voice of Hashem emanate?
![]() Answer Contents | Why was the honorable duty of taking care of the Aron given to Kehas son of Levi (Bamidbar 4:4-6) instead of to Levi's firstborn, Gershon, who was assigned the task of taking care of certain parts of the Mishkan (Bamidbar 4:24-26)? |
I Did Not Know That!
The Mitzvah for the Kohanim to bless the Bnei Yisrael begins with the words: "Ko Tevarchu..." - "In this way you shall bless..." The gematria of the word "Ko" is 25; the word "Bracha" occurs 25 times in the Torah, and the word "Shalom" also occurs 25 times. Therefore, Bircas Kohanim begins with Bracha and ends with Shalom.Ba'al HaTurim
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 5:2, 5:6
- Organization of this Parsha
- 5:20
- Waters of the Sotah
- 6:11
- Sin of the Nazir
- 6:24
- Blessings of the Kohanim
- Sforno
- 7:13
- Gifts of the Nesi'im
- Sefer Hachinuch
- 362
- Tumah and Kedusha
- 364
- Confession
- 365
- Marital Peace
- 366
- Sotah Offering
- 374
- Appropriate Asceticism
- 378
- The Blessing of the Kohanim
Answers to this Week's Questions
Questions | Contents
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 4:47 - The Levi'im would sing and play music with cymbals and harps to accompany the sacrifices.
- 5:2 - The day the Mishkan was erected.
- 5:2 - The Camp of the Shechina was in the center, surrounded by the Camp of Levi which was surrounded by the Camp of Yisrael.
- 5:2 - A Metzora was sent out of all three camps. A Zav was permitted in the Camp of Yisrael but excluded from the two inner camps. A person who was tamei from contact with the dead had to leave only the Camp of the Shechina.
- 5:6-7 - He pays the principle plus a fifth to the victim, and must bring a Korban Asham.
- 5:8 - A convert who dies without leaving a Jewish descendent.
- 5:10 - The one who gives it.
- 5:10 - Great wealth.
- 5:15 - Her offering is: 1) barley, 2) unsifted flour, 3) lacking oil. 4) without frankincense.
- 5:18 - He uncovers it, because it is disgraceful for a married woman to have her hair exposed to the public.
- 5:22 - He dies a similar death.
- 6:8 - By avoiding contact with the dead.
- 6:11 - He abstains from enjoying wine.
- 6:24 - "May Hashem bless you" that your property may increase, "and guard you" from robbery.
- 6:26 - "May He suppress His anger."
- 7:2 - They were the Jewish overseers who were beaten because they helped the Jewish People (Shemos 5:11).
- 7:7,8 - The burden of the Bnei Gershon was lighter than that of the Bnei Merari.
- 7:11,12 - According to the order in which their Tribes traveled in the desert.
- 7:18 - The Tribe of Yissachar was well versed in Torah. Additionally, they proposed the idea that the Nesi'im should offer gifts.
- 7:89 - The Voice issued from Heaven to the place between the Cherubim and from there it filled the Ohel Moed.
![]() Question Contents | If the duty of taking care of the Aron - the prime representation
of Torah - was given to Levi's firstborn, people might think that
Torah is received as an 'inheritance,' as is the Crown of Royalty
and the Crown of Kehuna. The Crown of Torah, however,
is available to be the property of anyone who toils in learning
the Torah and rightly deserves it. Kli Yakar |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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