Parsha Q&A - Beha'aloscha
Parshas Beha'aloscha
Outside of Israel, for the week ending 21 Sivan 5756; 7 & 8 June 1996
In Israel, for the week ending 14 Sivan 5756; 31 May & June 1 1996
In Israel, for the week ending 14 Sivan 5756; 31 May & June 1 1996
Parsha Questions
- Toward which direction did the wicks of the Menorah burn, and why?
- From what material was the Menorah made?
- Moshe was commanded to cleanse the Levi'im by sprinkling on them "mei Chatass". What is "mei Chatass"?
- What was unique about the "Chatass" offered by the Levi'im?
- Which three "tnufos" (wave offerings) are in the Parsha?
- For which two functions were the Levi'im dedicated?
- Why did Hashem claim the firstborn of the Jewish People as His possession?
- Why does the Torah repeat the words "Bnei Yisrael" five times in verse 8:19?
- When a Levi reaches the age of fifty, which functions may he still perform?
- How many times did the Jewish People offer the Korban Pesach in the midbar?
- Why was the mitzvah of Pesach Sheini not commanded to Moshe earlier?
- When were the trumpets used?
- How long were the Jewish People encamped near Har Sinai?
- When the Jewish People entered the Land, who took temporary possession of Jericho?
- Which Aron is referred to in verse 10:33?
- Which tastes did the Manna not offer, and why?
- Moshe was commanded to choose seventy elders to help him lead the Jewish People. What happened to the elders that led the Jewish People in Egypt?
- Who did Moshe choose as the seventy elders?
- What was the prophesy of Eldad and Medad?
- Why did Miriam deserve to have the Jewish People wait one week for her to recover?
![]() Answer Contents | Moshe asked Chovav, his father-in-law Yisro, to join
the Jewish People in their travels, and enter Eretz Yisael with them. But Chovav
replied, " I won't go, rather I'll go to my land and my birthplace
I'll go." (Bamidbar 10:29,30)
This appears to be a quite unexpected response from someone who had converted and played an important role in the leadership of the Jewish People until now. How can we understand this? |
I Did Not Know That!
The parts of the Menorah included seven stems, nine flowers, eleven pomegranates, and twenty-two cups. Some say its height was seventeen tefachim. These numbers correspond to the number of words in the first verses of each of the Books of the Torah: Seven words in Bereishis, eleven words in Shemos, nine words in Vayikra, seventeen words in Bamidbar, and twenty-two words in Devarim.Divrei Noam
Recommended Reading List
- Ramban
- 8:2
- Preview of Chanukah
- 9:1
- Korban Pesach in the Midbar
- 9:10
- Pesach Sheini
- 9:14
- Pesach of the Ger
- 10:29
- Yisro's Choice
- 10:35
- Flight from Sinai
- 11:1
- Sin of Complainers
- 11:5
- Fish and Vegetables in Egypt
- 11:6
- Complaints about Manna
- 11:16
- Significance of Number 70
- Sefer Hachinuch
- 380
- Pesach Sheini
- 384
- Significance of Trumpets
- Sforno
- 9:1
- The Four Merits
- 11:22
- Never Satisfied
Answers to this Week's Questions
- 8:2 - They leaned toward the middle wick so that people would not say that Hashem wanted the Menorah for its light.
- 8:4 - From solid gold.
- 8:7 - Water containing ashes of the Parah Adumah.
- 8:8 - It was not eaten by the Kohanim.
- 8:11 - The wave offerings of the families of Kehas, Gershon and Merari.
- 8:16 - For carrying the sacred articles of the Mishkan and for singing in the chorus in the Mishkan.
- 8:17 - Because in Egypt He spared them during Makas Bechoros.
- 8:19 - To show Hashem's love for them their name was repeated five times corresponding to the five chumashim of the Torah.
- 8:25 - He may close the gates of the courtyard of the Mishkan and Beis Hamikdash, may sing during the avoda, and may load the wagons when the Mishkan is to be transported.
- 9:1 - Only once.
- 9:7 - To reward those who asked about it. Hashem wanted them to be the catalyst for the teaching of this mitzvah.
- 10:2-7 - They were used to gather the Jewish People, to gather the Nesi'im, to signal the beginning of a move of the camp, and to accompany the offering of certain communal Korbanos.
- 10:11 - One year minus ten days.
- 10:32 - The children of Yisro.
- The Aron which held the broken pieces of the first Tablets. This same Aron traveled with the army in times of war.
- 11:5 - Cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion and garlic - these are harmful to nursing women.
- 11:16 - They were consumed in the fire at Taverah (11:3).
- 11:16 - People who were supervisors in Egypt and, at personal risk, had shown compassion for their brethren.
- 11:28 - "Moshe will die and Yehoshua will lead the Jewish People to the Land."
- 12:15 - Because when Moshe was cast into the river, she waited one hour to see what would happen to him.
![]() Question Contents | Chovav was saying that he need to return to his
land-properties and to his family (Rashi from the Sifri).
This means that he intended to return to Midian to sell off his
land-properties before entering Eretz Yisrael and receiving a
portion thereof, and also wanted to make an effort to encourage
the rest of his family to join him - and possibly convert - 'in
his footsteps.' Ramban and Sifsei Chachamim |
Written and Compiled by Rabbi Eliyahu Kane
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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