The Other Side of the Story - There's A Raisin For Everything
Dear Editor,
I have been intending to write a story for OHRNET for months. Finally, the baby
is asleep, and only two of the children are at home, so here's my chance. My
story is called...
There's A Raisin For Everything
I received a call from a single man that we know. He knows to feel free to
call us when he wants to come for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal. I asked
him how he is doing. He told me that he would be leaving to the US for a two-week
Our children love little snack-size raisin boxes, and I have never seen them
here in Israel. Moreover, I wanted to add them to our Purim gifts (mishloach
manot). I asked him if he could pick up a few bags-full of small raisin
boxes. I could hear the hesitation on the other end.
[Editor: This is where it might be easy to have bad thoughts, such as: "What!
All the times he's been our guest, and now he can't do us this favor!]
During the few seconds of hesitation my mind went through some thoughts, such
as "He probably has a long list of items to buy for people." I remember those
trips to the US (especially when I was single) when I would shop for others.
Then he told me that he would not have a home base in the US, and he would be
carrying his bags everywhere he would go. It was just as I had thought; I knew
he had to have a good raisin, I mean reason, for saying no.
P.S. Two other friends who went to the US bought us raisins - enough for the
family and enough for mishloach manot.
Name Withheld
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